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One-legged man forced to climb into top bunk wins $1,000

On September 27, 2009, the District of Columbia agreed to pay $1,000 to a disabled man who was injured after being forced to climb into a top bunk.

William Mercer sued the District after falling twice while attempting to climb into a top bunk at the District of Columbia Central Detention Center. Mercer only has one leg and walks with a cane and prosthesis.

Mercer alleged that guards ordered him to climb into the top bunk over his protests, and despite his obvious handicap.

Mercer alleged violations of his civil rights and sought $100,000 in damages.

Mercer represented himself in the case. See: Mercer v. District of Columbia, No. 06-0000900 (D.C. Sup. Ct. 2006).

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Related legal case

Mercer v. District of Columbia