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$12,000 Settlement for California Prisoner in Equal Treatment Suit

$12,000 Settlement for California Prisoner in Equal Treatment Suit

In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, prisoner Steven D. Brooks settled, in June 2013, for $12,000 his §1983 civil rights claim alleging violation of his eighth and fourteenth amendment rights with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). While incarcerated with the CDCR in March 2004, Brooks was transferred to High Desert State Prison (HDSP), where the events pertaining to his action occurred between 2004 and 2005.

Upon arrival at HDSP on March 9, 2004, Brooks was placed in lockdown status along with the rest of the black and white population as a result of riots that took place in June and September 2003. Hispanics and other nationalities were not affected by this lockdown and had freedom of movement within the prison.

The prison conducted a controlled release operation, letting a few of the black and white prisoners return to general population at a time. In January 2005, Brooks was approved for controlled release, but before his release came to fruition, all black prisoners were again locked down as a result of “credible” rumors that black prisoners were planning to assault prison staff with weapons. Brooks stayed in lockdown until November 2005.

In 2008, Brooks brought suit, pro se, alleging violations of his eighth amendment rights, namely that the 600 days of lockdown amounted to cruel and unusual punishment, and violations of his fourteenth amendment rights, specifically, that he was deprived of equal treatment under the law in that he was racially profiled into a class singled out for punishment, while other races were not scrutinized.

The state negotiated a $12,000 settlement in return for a voluntary stipulation of dismissal. The stipulation was filed with the court on June 14, 2013. See: Brooks v. Felker, U.S.D.C. (E.D. Cal.) Case no: 2:08-cv-02512.

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