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PLN's public records case against CCA goes back before appellate court

Associated Press, Jan. 1, 2012.
PLN's public records case against CCA goes back before appellate court - Associated Press 2012

Appeals court again takes up CCA records case

Published 1:24 a.m., Tuesday, November 27, 2012

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The state Court of Appeals is again taking up a public records case involving a private prison company and a magazine that advocates for inmate rights.

Attorneys for Nashville-based Corrections Corporation of America and the magazine Prison Legal News are to make arguments to the court Tuesday. The case began after editor Alex Friedmann in 2007 sought records from the prison operator regarding legal settlements, judgments and complaints against the company.

After the appeals court upheld a ruling that found CCA is subject to the state open records law because as an operator of prisons it is equivalent to a government agency, the company turned over some documents. CCA has continued to resist turning over other records sought by the magazine, saying the legal settlements were confidential.



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