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Use this page to search all of PLN's content, which includes all articles published in PLN since 1990; other news articles and case reports not published in PLN; publications such as reports, studies and audits; legal rulings; and pleadings and other documents in our Brief Bank.
Note that the below search options will search our content across all categories except the Brief Bank, which uses different subject categories. Thus, if you want to search for legal pleadings in our Brief Bank (such as complaints, verdicts and settlements, motions, etc.), please click on the Brief Bank tab above. To search only for Publications, click on the Publications tab above.
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Relevant Conduct (6)
Guilty Plea (3)
Arrest/Arraignment (13)
Attorneys (1512)
Appointment of Counsel (278)
Attorney (37)
Attorney Client (237)
Attorney Fee Awards (655)
Attorney Misconduct (175)
Attorneys General (62)
District Attorneys (19)
Prosecutors (84)
Public Defenders (121)
Blakely/Booker (6)
Prison Brutality (6)
Federal Funds (12)
Good Time Credits (13)
Capital Punishment (20)
Civil Procedure (6855)
Abstention (4)
Appeals (384)
Bill of Costs (4)
Class Certification (299)
Class Notice (49)
Complaints (332)
Consent Decrees (186)
Costs (231)
Cross Examination (11)
Damages (996)
Declaratory Judgment (27)
Default Judgments (30)
Defenses (94)
Depositions (60)
Disclosure of Records (701)
Discovery (282)
Estoppell (40)
Evidentiary Ruling (125)
Expert Witnesses (180)
Filing Fees (116)
Frivolous Litigation (125)
Grievances (90)
Injunctions (369)
Intervention (14)
junk science (4)
Juries (100)
Jury Instructions (112)
Limitations (275)
Local Rules (13)
Magistrates (31)
Mandamus (101)
Mediation (5)
Mootness (132)
New Trial Motions (79)
Open Meetings (8)
Parties (146)
Public Records (361)
Recusal (13)
Res Judicata (35)
Retroactivity (46)
Sanctions (129)
Service (54)
Settlements (1194)
Special Masters (43)
Standing (125)
State Law Claims (284)
Suit Waivers (6)
Summary Judgment (282)
Transcripts (19)
Trials (34)
Venue (41)
Witnesses (115)
Class Actions (44)
Punishment (8)
False Imprisonment (94)
Emotional Distress (16)
Lost Income (4)
Dismissal (33)
Award (3)
Hate Crimes (4)
Unlawful Detention (17)
Monell Liability (5)
Cataract Surgery (14)
Prisons (22)
Classification (784)
Furloughs (32)
Home Detention (16)
Out of State Transfers (189)
Transfers (205)
Work Release (210)
Commentary/Reviews (1047)
Editorials (392)
Eulogies (35)
Interviews (28)
Resources (138)
Reviews (381)
Competency (9)
Conditions of Confinement (6674)
Arrest and Booking (30)
Asbestos (27)
Bedding (147)
Boot Camps (52)
Clothing (133)
DOJ CRIPA Actions (73)
Eighth Amendment (1024)
Environmental Law (141)
Exercise (208)
Exposure to Cold (112)
Exposure to Heat (141)
Failure to Protect (General) (1684)
Fire Hazards (78)
Food (527)
Hurricane Katrina (13)
Hygiene Supplies (122)
Jail Specific (1000)
Laundry (22)
Lighting (53)
Lockdowns (121)
Name Changes (7)
Noise (16)
Overcrowding (723)
Plumbing (87)
Reading Materials (48)
Rural Prisons (72)
Sanitation (301)
Security Systems (38)
Sewage (115)
Shelter (39)
Showers (97)
Smoking (103)
Staffing (534)
Strip Cells (75)
Toilets (134)
Totality of Conditions (391)
Transportation (198)
Ventilation (84)
Vermin (99)
Water (273)
Video Recordings (4)
Video Cameras (4)
Constitution, U.S. (683)
Fifth Amendment (78)
First Amendment, rights (204)
Fourth Amendment, rights (203)
Sixth Amendment (48)
Ad-Seg Hearings (265)
Pro Se Issues (8)
Counsel - Right to (27)
Court Access (1301)
BOP Litigation Reports (197)
Court Appearances (113)
Indigent Defense (145)
Judiciary (137)
Legal Materials (199)
Legal Property (50)
Paralegals (41)
Photocopies (34)
Writing Implements (36)
Crime/Demographics (3553)
Census (41)
Conspiracy (49)
Cost of Prison Systems (386)
Crime (344)
Crime Labs (38)
Criminal Prosecution (869)
Databases (66)
Escapes (316)
Informants (147)
Prison/Jail Murders (304)
Statistics/Trends (1081)
Victims (151)
War on Drugs (121)
War on Terror (167)
Criminal History (12)
Criminal Justice (8)
Criminal Procedure (45)
Double jeopardy (8)
Death Penalty/Death Row (726)
Death Penalty (493)
Death Row (201)
Disciplinary Hearings (1464)
Confrontation (19)
Counsel (18)
Disciplinary Appeals (82)
Disciplinary Litigation (399)
Evidence (121)
Guilty Pleas (38)
Hearing Officers (53)
Legality of Rules (90)
Liberty Interests (286)
Malicious Prosecution (123)
Notice of Charges (56)
Notice of Hearing (59)
Notice of Rules (59)
Polygraphs (28)
Presence at Hearing (30)
Prompt Hearings (34)
Retaliatory Discipline (132)
Self Incrimination (54)
Staff Assistance (31)
Standard of Proof (55)
Written Findings (27)
Relevance (7)
Official Report (7)
Discrimination (3387)
Blind Prisoners (52)
Deaf Prisoners (130)
Disabled Prisoners (492)
Gang Policies (226)
Gay/Lesbian (133)
Native American (30)
Political Prisoners (250)
Racial Discrimination (698)
Religious Discrimination (196)
Sex Offender Residence (107)
Drug Laws/Offenses (32)
Methamphetamine (8)
DUI (22)
Entrapment (6)
Social Media (10)
Gang Membership (6)
Hearsay Evidence (5)
Exceptions (3)
Excessive Force (4417)
Burning (28)
Dogs (78)
Fire Hoses (7)
Grenades (17)
Guard Brutality/Beatings (2151)
Laser Weapons (10)
Pepper Spray/Tear Gas (341)
Restraints (752)
Shootings (343)
Stun Guns/Tasers (1032)
Fair Trial (5)
Family (484)
Children of Prisoners (119)
Family Law (82)
Fathers in Prison (116)
Marriage (72)
Mothers in Prison (178)
Parental rights (44)
Federal Statutory Law (2267)
ADEA (8)
AEDPA (18)
All Writs Act (7)
Clean Water Act (9)
ERISA (10)
Fair Housing Act (13)
Fair Labor Standards Act (100)
False Claims Act (8)
Federal Tort Claims Act (202)
HIPAA (14)
PAMII Act (9)
Privacy Act (33)
Rehabilitation Act (175)
RICO (19)
RLUIPA (227)
Title IX (8)
Title VII (74)
Torture Victims Act (16)
Voting Rights Act (40)
Fines (43)
Ability to Pay (15)
Firearms (29)
Fourth Amendment (30)
Terry Stops (12)
Fraud and Deceit (28)
Exemptions (4)
Grand Jury (3)
Guards/Staff (1617)
ACA (29)
Age Discrimination (41)
Assaults on Staff (133)
Disabled Employees (78)
Employee Litigation (764)
Guard Unions (227)
Staff Training (160)
HRDC Litigation (49)
HRDC Publications (135)
HRDC Sign on Letters (33)
Asylum (9)
Torture Victims (4)
Immunity/Liability (2541)
Contractor Liability (224)
Hiring Liability (14)
Judicial Immunity (65)
Municipal Liability (416)
Parole Liability (67)
Premises Liability (253)
Product Liability (30)
Qualified Immunity (1038)
Sovereign Immunity (160)
Supervisory Liability (277)
Credits (18)
International (1777)
CIA (62)
Immigration (1154)
International Law (113)
Interpreters (57)
Prisoners-International (320)
Terrorism (90)
Batson Claims (5)
Juveniles (775)
Juvenile Prisons (368)
Magazines (288)
Prison Life Magazine (11)
Pro Se Magazine (29)
San Quentin News (9)
The Rock (47)
Mail (1251)
Post Skilling (4)
Kickback Scheme (4)
Banned Book Lists (79)
Catalogs (14)
Due Process (214)
Legal Mail (222)
Mail Regulations (562)
Photos (13)
Postage (31)
Publications/Books (506)
Tapes/Music (Mail) (11)
Media (1537)
Access to Media (135)
Articles About PLN (28)
Censorship (714)
First Amendment (233)
Internet (85)
PLN Litigation (633)
Prisoner Media (101)
Tapes/Music (28)
TV/Movies (33)
Medical (6862)
Abortion (29)
Allergy (16)
Amputations (74)
Appendicitis (22)
Blood (71)
Brain Injury (122)
Cancer (141)
Cardiovascular (267)
Consent to Treatment (33)
COVID-19 (612)
Dental Care (212)
Diabetes (178)
Drug/Alcohol Withdrawal (291)
Drug Overdose (101)
ENT (29)
Eyeglasses (18)
Failure to Treat (1689)
Forcible Treatment (52)
Gastrointestinal (107)
Hearing (19)
Hepatitis (246)
Hernias (75)
HIV/AIDS (300)
Infections (87)
Injury -- Misc. (476)
Kidney (56)
Liver (26)
Male Reproductive (46)
Malpractice (364)
Medical Expenses (162)
Medical Records (179)
Medication (626)
Misdiagnosis (64)
Muscular (33)
Nervous System (37)
Obesity (11)
OB/GYN (140)
Pain (383)
Podiatry (29)
Private Contractors (374)
Respiratory (155)
Seizures (115)
Skeletal Disorder (34)
Skeletal Injury (362)
Skin (70)
STDs (18)
Stroke (40)
Surgery (93)
Systemic Medical Neglect (1275)
Transplants (28)
Tuberculosis (65)
Urinary (45)
Vision (132)
Mental Health (3124)
Civil Commitment (333)
Drug Treatment/Rehab (276)
Sex Offender Treatment (211)
Suicides (1011)
Military (199)
Military Law (12)
Military Prisons (142)
Veterans (35)
Misconduct/Corruption (5735)
Contractor Misconduct (573)
Corrections Audits (949)
DOC/BOP misconduct (762)
Government Misconduct (326)
Guard Misconduct (1576)
Jail Misconduct (634)
Judicial Misconduct (175)
Medical Misconduct (382)
Parole Board Misconduct (141)
Police Misconduct (877)
Threats by Staff (124)
Money/Property (1439)
Bail Bonds (99)
Bankruptcy (41)
Bond Fees (44)
Booking Fees (58)
Commissary (67)
Forfeiture (58)
Interest (28)
Pensions (14)
Prisoner Property (270)
Restitution (165)
Royalties (17)
Social Security (27)
Tax Law (53)
Trust Accounts (96)
News (992)
Federal Legislation (114)
News in Brief (363)
State Legislation (465)
Organizing (1930)
Advocacy (135)
Elections (30)
Hunger Strikes (138)
Lobbying (104)
Prison Gangs (109)
Prison Rebellion (424)
Prison Reform (432)
Protests (141)
Voting (215)
Work Strikes (54)
Withdrawal (4)
PLN related (202)
PLRA (1210)
Attorney Fees (PLRA) (175)
Consent Decrees (PLRA) (100)
Filing Fees (PLRA) (203)
Injunctions (PLRA) (145)
Physical Injury Rule (126)
Police (1863)
Arrest Warrants (75)
Excessive Force (Police) (807)
False Arrest (735)
FBI (55)
Police/Govt Misconduct (107)
halfway houses (15)
Health care (12)
housing (33)
jobs (36)
Prisoner Privileges (1179)
Art (25)
Computers (86)
Education (278)
Grooming Rules (58)
Release and Reentry (333)
Tattoos (10)
Prisoners' Rights (651)
Access To Courts (7)
Deliberate Indifference (430)
Prison Conditions (248)
Prison Mail (24)
Prison Regulations (48)
Voting Rights (42)
In Forma Pauperis (13)
Global Tel*Link Corp (32)
Securus (24)
Private Prisons (3309)
Aramark (22)
Avalon (9)
Bobby Ross Group (7)
Centurion (145)
Civigenics (10)
CMS (134)
Corizon (241)
Cornell Corrections (40)
Dismas Charities (3)
Dominion Group (3)
EMSA (19)
Esmor/CSC (30)
Financing (74)
G4S/Group 4 (11)
GEO Group/Wackenhut (501)
JPay, Inc. (61)
MHM Inc. (10)
Naphcare (20)
Primecare Medical (25)
Prison Health Services (113)
Sentinel (13)
Transport Companies (42)
Wexford Health Services (412)
Privileges (16)
Attorney/Client (13)
Recorded Calls (10)
Conditions of (21)
Protective Custody (113)
Religious Freedom (906)
Clergy (80)
Proselytizing (46)
Religion Defined (34)
Religious Diet (249)
Religious Grooming (100)
Religious Names (18)
Religious Practices (232)
Religious Property (141)
Sabbaths (15)
Remands (45)
Resentencing (36)
Retaliation (1364)
Retaliatory Searches (21)
Retaliatory Transfers (110)
Snitch Jacketing (31)
Whistleblowing (171)
Search and Seizure (284)
Consent (10)
Involuntary (4)
Recordings (4)
Reasonable Suspicion (23)
Traffic Stops (13)
Emails (3)
Text Messages (4)
Seizure (5)
Warrantless Searches (39)
Cell-Phones (3)
Warrants (32)
Arrest Warrant (6)
Execution (4)
Home Search (8)
Probable Cause (9)
Searches (1401)
Arrestee Searches (201)
Body Cavity Searches (104)
Cell Searches (71)
Computer Searches (21)
DNA Testing/Samples (192)
Drug Testing (174)
Employee Searches (13)
Pat Searches (44)
Photographing (27)
Police Searches (153)
Search warrants (6)
Strip Searches (502)
Vehicle Searches (31)
Videotaping (72)
Visitor Searches (78)
Securities Fraud (10)
Miranda (12)
Sentencing (4159)
Bail (80)
Detainers (25)
Ex Post Facto (215)
First Step Act (11)
Good Time (388)
Habeas Corpus (597)
Overdetention (169)
Pardons/Clemency (152)
Parole (1040)
Parole Conditions (255)
Probation (238)
Three Strikes (71)
Wrongful Conviction (632)
Wrongful Imprisonment (644)
Wrongful Release (59)
Sexual Assault (1548)
Assault by Police (63)
Staff-Prisoner Assault (848)
Staff-Staff Assault (38)
Sexual Harassment (570)
Harassment by Police (23)
Staff-Staff Harassment (142)
Speedy Trial (9)
State Statutes (270)
Public Records Act (197)
Zoning (29)
Defamation (7)
Gun Laws/Crimes (3)
Federal Benefits (3)
Telephones (2268)
Attorney Calls (119)
Cell Phone Access (49)
Telephone Access (335)
Telephone Monitoring (206)
Telephone Rates (1188)
Traffic stop (34)
Transgender (254)
Trial (8)
Criminal Records (6)
Judicial Hostility (15)
Visiting (320)
Attorney Visits (73)
Video Visitation (61)
Work (1221)
Chain Gangs (29)
Inability to Work (46)
Prison Industries (440)
Prison Labor (680)
Work Conditions/Safety (204)
Workplace Injury (214)
Wrongful Death (3170)
Accidents (138)
Medical Neglect/Malpractice (1400)
Murder by Escapees (29)
Murder by Parolees (69)
Police--Excessive Force (305)
- United States of America (40080)
- Alabama (494)
- Alaska (161)
- American Samoa (1)
- Arizona (1210)
- Arkansas (430)
- California (4676)
- Colorado (852)
- Connecticut (347)
- Delaware (160)
- District of Columbia (694)
- Florida (1845)
- Georgia (797)
- Guam (8)
- Hawaii (218)
- Idaho (206)
- Illinois (2473)
- Indiana (599)
- Iowa (318)
- Kansas (375)
- Kentucky (431)
- Louisiana (602)
- Maine (192)
- Maryland (354)
- Massachusetts (614)
- Michigan (1054)
- Minnesota (344)
- Mississippi (348)
- Missouri (679)
- Montana (195)
- Nebraska (244)
- Nevada (373)
- New Hampshire (146)
- New Jersey (625)
- New Mexico (687)
- New York (2724)
- North Carolina (406)
- North Dakota (62)
- Ohio (938)
- Oklahoma (428)
- Oregon (844)
- Pennsylvania (1270)
- Puerto Rico (58)
- Rhode Island (107)
- South Carolina (397)
- South Dakota (109)
- Tennessee (774)
- Texas (2022)
- Utah (228)
- Vermont (223)
- Virgin Islands (16)
- Virginia (656)
- Washington (2412)
- West Virginia (195)
- Wisconsin (605)
- Wyoming (87)
- Afghanistan (26)
- Albania (1)
- Algeria (3)
- Argentina (8)
- Australia (48)
- Western Australia (1)
- Austria (2)
- Bahamas (2)
- Belgium (7)
- Bolivia (4)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)
- Brazil (33)
- Cambodia (2)
- Canada (85)
- British Columbia (3)
- Ontario (6)
- Central African Republic (2)
- Chad (1)
- Chile (7)
- China (28)
- Colombia (19)
- Congo (Brazzaville) (1)
- Congo (Kinshasa) (1)
- Costa Rica (3)
- Cuba (49)
- Curaçao (1)
- Czech Republic (3)
- Denmark (6)
- Djibouti (1)
- Dominican Republic (4)
- Ecuador (8)
- Egypt (6)
- El Salvador (9)
- Ethiopia (1)
- Finland (3)
- France (17)
- Georgia (3)
- Germany (20)
- Ghana (1)
- Greece (3)
- Guam (2)
- Guatemala (4)
- Guyana (1)
- Haiti (11)
- Honduras (7)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Iceland (2)
- India (26)
- Maharashtra (1)
- Tamil Nadu (1)
- Indonesia (7)
- Iran (9)
- Iraq (49)
- Ireland (11)
- Israel (31)
- Italy (17)
- Japan (10)
- Jordan (2)
- Kazakhstan (2)
- Kenya (8)
- Korea, North (5)
- Korea, South (5)
- Lebanon (1)
- Libya (1)
- Lithuania (6)
- Madagascar (1)
- Malawi (1)
- Malaysia (1)
- Malta (1)
- Mauritania (1)
- Mexico (43)
- Morocco (3)
- Myanmar (3)
- Netherlands (8)
- New Zealand (19)
- Nicaragua (1)
- Nigeria (8)
- Norway (5)
- Pakistan (5)
- Palestine (12)
- Panama (2)
- Papua New Guinea (1)
- Paraguay (1)
- Peru (28)
- Philippines (16)
- Poland (3)
- Portugal (1)
- Puerto Rico (3)
- Romania (4)
- Russian Federation (22)
- Rwanda (3)
- Saudi Arabia (2)
- Senegal (2)
- Singapore (1)
- Somalia (3)
- South Africa (25)
- South Georgia and SouthSandwich Islands (1)
- South Sudan (1)
- Spain (16)
- Sri Lanka (4)
- Sweden (11)
- Switzerland (1)
- Syria (4)
- Taiwan (1)
- Thailand (11)
- Trinidad and Tobago (1)
- Tunisia (1)
- Turkey (10)
- Ukraine (3)
- United Arab Emirates (1)
- United Kingdom (114)
- Uruguay (3)
- Vatican City (1)
- Venezuela (15)
- Vietnam (8)
- Zambia (1)
- Zimbabwe (2)