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The Fortress Economy: The Economic Role of the US Prison System

The Fortress Economy: The Economic Role of the U.S. Prison System is the title of a brand new 29 page booklet by the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers). It's an excellent book and I highly recommend it. The booklet will complement and enhance The Prison Issue, which I review elsewhere in this newsletter. The pamphlet gives a historical overview of the U.S. prison system from its very beginnings. It asks and answers questions such as: who goes to prisons; the use of prisoners as a source of cheap labor; and the trend toward "private prisons." It also addresses the dilemma of ex-prisoners, as well as much more.

In these days of public hysteria and the continuing calls to build more prisons, this booklet is a sobering assessment of the failure of the American prison system, now celebrating its 200th anniversary.

The small book is available at $2.00 a copy for "free" people, and it is mailed at no charge to prisoners. For a copy write a note to:

American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
If prisoners can afford a small donation of stamps the A.F.S.C. could use them.

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