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"The Other Face of Europe"

"The Other Face of Europe"

This is the title of a book printed by the atalan Solidarity Committee in Barcelona. The book deals with the huge number of political prisoners being held throughout Western European prisons and jails because of their political beliefs and activities. The book contains sections in English, Spanish, French, German and Catalan. It has essays and articles written by political prisoners in Ireland, France, West Germany and Spain.

The book has a lot of information in it about the actual situation of the prisoners in Europe. The book concentrates on the special repressive conditions meted out ot these political prisoners. It goes a long way to exposing the contradictory claim by many countries, including this one, that claim to have no political prisoners, yet hose who claim to be politically motivated are singled out for harsher sentencing and extremely repressive conditions once they arrive in prison.

The book costs $5.00 for "free" people, it's free to prisoners. Available from:

Apdo. De Correos 2192
08010 Barcelona Spain

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