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Prisoners on Purpose

Prisoners On Purpose

"A Peacemakers Guide to Jails and Prisons" is put out by Nukewatch. It deals with the experience of nuclear resisters (these are people who engage in civil disobedience/civil resistance to nuclear weapons and power, by blockades, hammering missiles, etc.) who have been imprisoned because of their activities resisting nuclear weapons and such. It has a "review" of various county and federal prisons by prisoners who've been in them (usually near protest sites), it tells people who may have never been in jail before what to expect, especially those guided by their religious beliefs to oppose the imperial war machine. It has a section on prison survival. If you're already in prison this won't do you much good, but if you're involved in civil disobedience and what to know what to expect, this is for you. Cost: $7.50 with 145 pages, some drawings.

PO Box 2658
Madison, WI 53701

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