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World View is the quarterly publication of the Political Prisoners Rights Campaign. The spring 1991 issue is 16 81/2x11 pages and contains articles on western military intervention in the USSR; a response to Amnesty International criticizing that organization for a pro US/UK bias (for example, Al. has not criticized the British occupation of Northern Ireland with it's death squads, torture, lack of civil rights, etc.) and it's policy of not supporting political prisoners who have advocated the use of violence such as Nelson Mandela; there is an excellent article on the Basque independence struggle and an article on international law and political prisoners. This is highly recommended for anyone interested in political prisoners. For information write: Political Prisoners Rights Campaign, B.M. Box 2300, London WCIN 3XX, England

MIM Notes is the monthly journal of the Maoist International Movement. Each issue has at least one page devoted to prison struggle. MIM also has a listing of books on political and economic theory that are available to prisoners. Write: MIM Distributors, P.O. Box 3765, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.

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