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PLN Reader Sends ACLU Finger
In case you have forgotten, we are human too! If we have violated your Amerikan standards then we should be immediately executed, not tortured and treated like laboratory rats. We are human too!
"Our struggle is in consciousness, theirs is in separating." Enclosed with the above letter was an Indiana DOC mail rejection form stating they had confiscated from Kataza's legal mail to the ACLU a "fingertip of Mr. Taifa's left hand, fifth finger" and this was "contraband or prohibited property."
Prisoners at the Westville Control Unit have been waging an intense struggle against the inhuman treatment they are receiving, this has included a 37-day hunger strike, hundreds of grievances, letters. etc., to protest beatings, being sprayed with chemicals, held without exercise for days in freezing temperatures, and so on
While PLN supports the struggle of prisoners for improved conditions, we do not believe that self-mutilation accomplishes anything. For years Korean militants have cut off their fingers to paint their slogans on walls with severed fingers, yet the capitalist dictatorship is still in power there. Body parts are best left attached to the body where they can be used in more constructive forms of struggle.
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