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Periodical Reviews

Journal of Prisoners in Prisons is a biannual publication from Canada. Each issue is about 140 pages in length in a bound soft cover book type format. The latest issue (Vol. 4, No. 2) has several excellent articles regarding control units including lengthy, detailed pieces on Marion and events that led to the current lockdown (going on ten years now) there as well as its use as an experimental behavior modification lab. It also contains poems, letters and the articles tend to be well footnoted and referenced. Subscriptions are $10.00 a year for free people, $4.00 a year for prisoners. Write: JPP, P.O. Box 60779, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2S9, Canada.

Lifelines is the quarterly tabloid of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Each issue contains articles, news, resources and updates on abolitionist news concerning opposition to the death penalty. It has a religious focus. Recent issues have covered the death of Thurgood Marshall, the execution of Wesley Dodd in Washington state, Supreme Court rulings making executions easier for the states, etc. Subscriptions are $25.00 a year from: NCADP, P.O. Box 600, Liberty Mills, IN. 46946.

TB & Prisons: The Facts for Inmates and Officers is a 17 page booklet published by the National Prison Project of the ACLU. As readers of PLN know, there is an epidemic of the resistant tuberculosis (TB) sweeping the nation's prisons. This timely and informative booklet gives the reader a rundown on what TB is, how it is spread, how it is treated, how to know if you have TB, how to safeguard against getting it, etc. This is an excellent booklet on an issue that vitally affects everyone in prison, prisoners and staff alike. The booklet is free for single orders; bulk copies are available. I would suggest prisoners to inform their respective prison administrations of the existence of the booklet and encourage them to purchase it in bulk to distribute to the entire prison population. Another booklet AIDS & Prisons: The Facts is also available. Write: National Prison Project, TB Booklet, 1875 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington DC 20009.

The Liaison Quarterly is the new quarterly publication of Friends Outside in Tennessee. It is edited by longtime PLN supporter Harold Thompson. The first issue explains what Friends Outside does, has reviews, articles on the death penalty, pen pal listings and more. Subscriptions are $5.00 a year to: Friends Outside, P.O. Box 321, Murfreesboro, TN 37130.

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