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Reviews and Correspondence

Crossroad: A New Afrikan Captured Combatant Newsletter is a quarterly publication which specializes in coverage of political prisoners and prisoners of war in the U.S. from a New Afrikan perspective. Recent issues have included an excellent interview with Assata Shakur, peer advocacy in AIDS education in prison, control units, and more. An excellent publication for the politically inclined. Subscriptions are $1.50 per issue for prisoners, $3.00 per issue for free people. Contact: Spear and Shield Publications, 1340 West Irving Park, Suite 108, Chicago IL 60613.

Prison Life is a slick, well produced bi-monthly magazine that covers, as its title implies, prison life. Its premier issue published in December of 1992 includes articles on parole, drug abuse, prisoners selling their body organs, mothers behind bars, a TV station run by prisoners in Missouri, and more. It contains columns of book reviews, interviews, pen pal ads, in-cell cooking, profiles on ex-prisoners, letters and more. It is 100 pages long, with extensive color photos, ads, etc. Subscriptions costs are $19.95 per year. Contact: Prison Life Magazine, 111 S. 9th St. Suite 3, Columbia, MO 65201.

Gray Areas is a new, well-produced magazine that is aiming to replace the old "Factsheet Five" as the directory of the alternative press. Their first issue has an interview with Frank Zappa, lots of video, music and magazine reviews, an article on Grateful Dead videos and much more. If you publish or record you should send GA copies so they can review the material and let others know about it. It fills a vital need in the alternative press community. A four issue subscription is $18.00 to: Gray Areas, PO Box 808, Broomall, PA 19008-0808.

Profane Existance is a bi-monthly anarchist tabloid covering news, music and anti-capitalist counter culture. Each issue is packed with a variety of news and information including interviews, music and publication reviews and more. It also focuses on prison news and struggle. Subscriptions are $10.50 a year. Contact: Profane Existance, P.O. Box 8722, Minneapolis, MN 55408.

Inside Journal is the bi-monthly tabloid of Prison Fellowship, a Christian prison group founded by former Watergate prisoner Chuck Colson. It covers issues of interest to prisoners such as voting rights of prisoners, changes in sentencing, Small Business Administration loans for prisoners and more. Contact: Inside Journal, P.O. Box 16429, Washington D.C. 20041-6429.

Revolutionary Worker is the weelky taboid of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a Maoist party. Each issue contains news and analysis of world events. Recent issues have had coverage of events in Somalia, Peru, the U.S., the campaign to save Mumia Abu Jamal's life and more. Subscriptions are free to prisoners on request, $40.00 a year to free people. Write: RCP Publications, P.O. Box 3486, Chicago, IL 60645.

Coalition for Prisoners Rights Newsletter is a monthly newsletter published by the Coalition for Prisoners Rights. While focusing on the infamous Santa Fe Penitentiary in New Mexico it also covers prison news from across the country. Subscriptions are $10.00 a year. Contact: CPR, P.O. Box 1911, Santa Fe, NM 85704.

CJS News is the bi-monthly newsletter of the Criminal Justice society of Florida. Each issue is packed with judicial and DOC information affecting Florida prisoners as well as articles, news briefs, and alternatives to the current way of doing things in Florida. The newletter is free upon request to those interested. Donations are appreciated. Write: CJS News, P.O. Box 1914, Orange Park, FL 32067-1914.

Deep Water is a 90 page soft cover book by Khadijah Abdullah Fardan. The book is about maintaining relationships when one member is imprisoned. The book is written from a New Afrikan Muslim perspective but the author's perceptions are applicable to anyone whose partner or significant other is in prison. The author uses narratives, poetry and pictures to describe and convey the challenges and sacrifices she has faced in maintaining an "inside" relationship and the impact of racism in the process.

The book is divided through several chapters begining with Khadijah's own relationship, the hassles of prison visiting, the growth of the relationship, the sexual aspects of such relationships and coping and organizing on the outside. Definitely well worth reading for everyone either involved or planning to get involved in a prison relationship. It brings to mind the comment that "The only real prisons are in our minds." Copies of Deep Water are available for $9.95 from: Overdue Media, P.O. Box 5203, Roanoke, VA 24012.

Oh-Toh-Kin is an irregularly published tabloid that covers the struggles of Native peoples in North America. Their most recent issue had articles on Native prisoners in Canadian prisons, natives struggles in U.S. prisons and the long use of prisons as a tool of colonialism/imperialism and more. An excellant publication for those interested in native and prison struggles. Free to prisoners, $10.00 for 4 issues. Write: Oh-Toh-Kin, P.O. Box 2881, Vancouver B.C., V6B 3X4, Canada.

Outlook on Justice is the quarterly newsletter of the New England American Friends Service Committee criminal justice program. Each issue lists resources and programs useful to prisoners in prison and those getting out soon. Outlook also publishes articles, poems, statistics, and news items of interest to prisoners and their advocates. Subscriptions are $2.00 a year to prisoners; $7.00 per year for free people. Write: Outlood on Justice, 2161 Massachutsetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140

Pelican Bay Prison Express is the quarterly newsletter of the Pelican Bay Information Project. Pelican Bay is the notorious control unit prison in Nothern California. The PBPE focuses on events at Pelican Bay with the goal of raising public awareness of what is happening in that dungeon. The latest issue has the results of interviews with 25 prisoners at Pelican Bay, poems, news and more. Subscriptions are available for a donation. Write: PBIP, 2489 Mission St. #28, San Francisco, CA 94110.

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