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Prisoners of Colonialism: The Struggle for Justice in Puerto Rico

Review by Daniel Burton-Rose

This work by Ronald Fernandez provides a history of Puerto Rico's efforts to free itself from the imperial rule of the United States, from the time it was "won" from the Spanish in 1898 to the present state of affairs. It concentrates on the four generations of POWs confined in U.S. federal prisons for their actions to free their homeland, and provides a very personal account of how each generation of freedom fighters inspired and energized the next. Though the book has many rough edges and is poorly organized, it has much to offer for anyone interested in anti-imperialist struggle and the continued efforts of Puerto Rican Nationals to regain control of their own land and culture. 377 pages. ISBN 1-56751-028-0. $14.95. Common Courage Press. 1994. Available from: Left Bank Dist., 1404 18th Ave., Seattle WA 98122.

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