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Probable Cause Required for Visitor Body Cavity Search
Loaded on Aug. 15, 1998
published in Prison Legal News
August, 1998, page 30
A federal district court in Utah held that prison officials must have probable cause and a valid search warrant before subjecting a prison visitor to a body cavity search. Stana Laughter is married to a Utah state prisoner. Laughter visited her husband in prison on a regular basis, often accompanied ...
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Strip Searches,
Visitor Searches,
Body Cavity Searches,
Attorney Fee Awards,
Qualified Immunity,
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- From the Editor, by Dan Pens
- NJ Prisoners Refuse to Swallow PINs
- Idaho Law Libraries Closed, Pillaged, by M.M.
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- Notes from the Unrepenitentiary, by Laura Whitehorn
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- The Tough-On-Crime Myth: Real Solutions to Cut Crime, by Daniel Burton-Rose
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- The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: Ideology, Class and Criminal Justice, by Daniel Burton-Rose
- Union County, NJ, Jail Guards Convicted
- PLRA Finding Required for Injunctive Relief
- Plaintiffs Must Be Allowed to Present Evidence in PLRA Motions to Terminate Prospective Relief
- TDCJ PLRA Forms Okay
- CA Tort Claim Not Required for Administrative Exhaustion
- Consent Decree Termination Upheld
- Dismissal for Lying About Poverty Affirmed
- PLRA Filing fees Don't Apply to Civil Commitments
- PLRA Fees Don't Apply to Mandamus
- $22,500 to Seattle WA Jail Brutality Suit
- Proof of Administrative Exhaustion Required
- Mock Prison Riot Staged
- Racism in the Ranks, by Willie Wisely
- WA Prison Telemarketing Elicits Controversy - Again, by Paul Wright
- CBCC Warden Fired in Telemarketing Hoopla
- Bureau of Prisons Estopped from Denying Sentence Reduction
- Sentence Runs During Wrongful Release
- U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies § 1983 Claims, by David C Fathi
- Jericho: Thoughts From Political Prisoners in Leavenworth, by Jaan Laaman
- Jericho '98 March and Rally
- Convict Mine Labor in the Information Age, by Dan Pens
- Cheaper to Exile Prisoners?, by Dan Pens
- Prisons Promoting Tourism, by Alex Friedmann
- Jailers Charged in Bribery, Kickback Schemes
- WI Predator-Law Poster Boy Gets Released
- WI Guard Settles Discrimination Suit for $105,000
- News in Brief
- Mailbox Rule Applied to Habeas Petitions
- WA DOC Investigators Can't Detain Visitors: Drugs Suppressed
- Oregon Guard Pleads Guilty to Perjury
- Risk of Serious Harm States Claim
- Disciplinary Hearing Violations Enjoined
- Probable Cause Required for Visitor Body Cavity Search
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