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Retaliatory Acts Need Not "Shock the Conscience" to be Actionable
Loaded on Nov. 15, 1999
published in Prison Legal News
November, 1999, page 18
by Matthew T. Clarke
Filed under:
Retaliation for Litigating,
Eighth Amendment,
Prisoner Legal Assistance,
Legal Materials,
Supervisory Liability,
Mental Health.
The Sixth Circuit court of appeals, sitting en banc, has held that prisoners who claim retaliation for constitutionally protected activities are no longer required to prove the retaliatory acts "shock the conscience." Instead, they must prove that the retaliatory act would be sufficient to deter a ...
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- Probable Cause Hearing Delay Actionable, by Ronald Young
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- Nevada Guards Party with Inmate Welfare Fund
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- Corcoran Bad Apple Rehired, by Willie Wisely
- New York Retaliation Suit Nets $100,000 in Damages
- California Governor Vetoes Parole Reform Bill
- California Illegally Dumps Parole Records, by Willie Wisely
- Suicides at Connecticut Prison Raise Concerns about Mental Health Care
- Prisoner Strip Search Warrants Fourth Amendment Analysis, by Ronald Young
- Amended Complaint Filed Outside Limitations Period Relates Back
- A Guide to the Prison Litigation Reform Act, by John Boston (Review), by Paul Wright
- California Visits Reinstated after Food Boycott (Letter), by D.R.
- $100,000 Settlement in South Carolina Jail Death
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- Retaliatory Acts Need Not "Shock the Conscience" to be Actionable
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- Second Circuit Discusses Heck and Edwards
- Evidentiary Hearing Allowed in PLRA Consent Decree Terminations
- West Virginia Supreme Court Upholds Computer Ban
- Washington Felony Infraction Law Struck Down
- Request for Telephonic Appearance Must Be Considered
- BOP Violates Due Process in Ad-Seg, Transfer and Mail Suit
- Trial Required in Jail Attack
- Race Discrimination Claim Not Barred by PLRA Physical Injury Rule
- News in Brief
- PLRA Attorney Fee Cap Not Retroactive in Attorney Client Case
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