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From the Editor

Remember that effective August 1, 2000, PLN's prisoner subscription rate will be $18 for 12 issues, and $9 for six issues. Prisoner subscriptions will be prorated at $1.50 per issue. Rates for non prisoners will remain the same, as those were raised two years ago.

The June and July issues of PLN were mailed later than usual due to some problems with our mailing list program and a transition in our desktop publishing system. We hope to be back on track with this issue. If you don't receive an issue of PLN, you should wait until at least the end of the calendar month in question before contacting PLN about it (i.e., wait until July 1 if you haven't received the June issue). More than likely the issue has been sent to you already.

The last few years have seen an increase in efforts by prisoncrats to censor PLN nationally. In this issue we note the settlement of PLN's suit against the Alabama DOC. We are in the process of filing suit against the Nevada and Wisconsin prison systems over statewide bans of

PLN in those states. We will report the details in an upcoming issue of PLN.

In addition to systemwide bans, PLN is frequently censored at individual prisons without being afforded notice or due process of the censorship. (In many cases the prisoner subscribers aren't notified of the censorship either.) If you are a prisoner subscriber to PLN and your PLN subscription is censored, please contact PLN's office and notify us of the censorship. You should also exhaust all administrative remedies and send PLN copies of the documentation if administrative remedies are fruitless. At that point we can attempt to find counsel to litigate the matter on our behalf. To date, PLN has been fairly successful in both finding counsel and litigating censorship issues.

The downside is that battling the forces of censorship consume a lot of my time (since I coordinate PLN's censorship litigation around the country) and our limited staff time. Preparing for censorship suits, even with pro bono or contingency counsel, still requires assembling all the documentation, background information, etc., necessary to get the suit underway. All of this underscores the need for PLN to hire a second, full- time staff person. While free speech is a good idea, it takes time and resources to assert. None of which PLN has in abundance.

PLN's matching grant campaign is still underway. If you haven't donated to it yet, please do so. All donations by prisoners, above and beyond the cost of subscriptions, book purchases, etc., are matched by a PLN supporter at a rate of $2 to each $1 donated. Donations by non-prisoners are matched dollar for dollar, up to $500. For more details on the progress of our matching grant campaign see below. Enjoy this issue of PLN and encourage others to subscribe.g

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