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Brown Ad-Seg Due Process Claim Remanded for Hearing
Brown Ad-Seg Due Process Claim Remanded For Hearing
By Ronald Young
The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit held that a prisoner who received ten months of administrative segregation during a housing reassignment hearing did not receive the minimal process required by the Due Process Clause. The ...
By Ronald Young
The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit held that a prisoner who received ten months of administrative segregation during a housing reassignment hearing did not receive the minimal process required by the Due Process Clause. The ...
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- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
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- $1,800 Awarded in PA Retaliation Suit
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- Brown Ad-Seg Due Process Claim Remanded for Hearing, by Ronald Young
- Administrative Exhaustion not Jurisdictional Satisfied by Letters to Defendants
- Texas Supreme Court Invalidates TDCJ-ID VitaPro Contract
- Sixth Circuit Orders Retrial of Retaliation Suit
- Showing Of Malice Under Eighth Amendment Excessive Force Test Not Required For Sexual Assault Claim, by Ronald Young
- Liberty Interest In New York Work Release, by Ronald Young
- Individual Analysis Required for Diabetic Class Action Damage Award, by Ronald Young
- $97,500 Awarded in NY Prison Work Accident
- No Pretrial Appeals of Motions to Dismiss
- Arizona Jury Acquits CCA Escapees
- Field 'Sleep Out' Without Adequate Toilet Facilities States An Eighth Amendment Violation, by Ronald Young
- Iowa Supreme Court Holds Liberty Interest in Good Time Law
- Slave Labor O.K. FLSA Does Not Apply to Detainees
- Mailbox Rule Applies to Section 2254/2255 Motions
- Private Prison Contract May be Invalid
- Retaliation Claim Remanded for Hearing on Qualified Immunity, by Ronald Young
- Prison Riots in Peru
- $12,000 Awarded in NY Slip and Fall
- IN Jail Settles Victim Suit for $650,000
- The Western Prison Project
- Marriott Cancels Prison Protest Concert
- News in Brief
- $47,500 Settlement in Pennsylvania Restraint Suit
- $100,000 Awarded Under ICCPR in GA Jail Suit
- The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, by Rick Card
More from Ronald Young:
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- Ohio Eliminates Prison Oversight Committee; Reduces Prison Funding, Jan. 15, 2002
- Corrections Corporation of America Announces Closing of Youngstown Prison, Jan. 15, 2002
- Colorado ACLU Settles Restraint Board Suit, Jan. 15, 2002
- New Missouri Mega-Prison Mothballed, Dec. 15, 2001
- Texas Jury Awards $70,000 in Prison Stabbing, Dec. 15, 2001
- Arizona CCA Prison Found 'In Turmoil', Dec. 15, 2001
- Family of BOP Prisoner Awarded $1.1 Million in Wrongful Death Suit, Dec. 15, 2001
- Blind Ohio Prisoner Spends Months in Strip Cell, Nov. 15, 2001
- Mississippi Taxpayers Fund Welfare Payments to Private Prisons, Nov. 15, 2001
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