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From the Editor

By now the observant reader will have noticed that this issue of Prison Legal News is 48 pages in length rather than 40. PLN recently switched printers which offered a variety of services, including higher quality newsprint and also allows us to expand in size, something our previous printer was unable to do with their equipment. When PLN first started publishing in 1990 we consisted of 10 photocopied pages. We have grown substantially since then.

We also offer more advertising which is what is allowing us to expand PLN's size at this time. For several years now we have remained committed to using advertising content to support our editorial content with a ratio of 25% ads and 75% news and legal information. As we expand in size and circulation we hope to be able to bring our readers still more quality news and information you can use.

Our past survey responses have indicated that our prisoner readers in particular are interested in more ads for businesses and services that are aimed at or cater to prisoners and their families. If you know of such businesses, please send us their name and contact information and we will contact them to determine whether they are interested in advertising in PLN.

Expanding our size also allows us to speed up the pace at which we report our news. One of our goals for this year is to cut down the lag time between when news occurs and when we report it. One of the many benefits of no longer being imprisoned is the speed at which I can now access information for reporting in PLN. This includes getting most federal appellate and U.S. Supreme Court decisions the day they are issued.

Please continue sending your news and clippings to us. It is an important source of information and allows us to further research stories of interest to PLN readers.

PLN now has more than 3,800 subscribers, which is more than at any point in our history. We are working diligently to increase our readership which is difficult to do with virtually no budget for outreach or sample mailings. You can help in this effort by letting others know about PLN and encouraging them to subscribe. We are happy to send additional subscription flyers on request. Just let us know how many you need and can receive. Enjoy this issue of PLN and please encourage others to subscribe.

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