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From the Editor

This is the last issue of PLN for the year. We would like to thank all of our readers for your continued support which makes PLN possible. PLN's office staff notes that many readers send letters to our office that do not have the author's name and address on the letter and sometimes the letter becomes separated from the envelope, making it impossible to contact the author. If you write PLN make sure that your name and address is on the letter.

PLN frequently gets letters requesting legal advice, representation and other forms of assistance. Unfortunately, PLN lacks the resources to do more than we are doing which is publish the magazine and ensure that readers actually get it. We have no lawyers on staff. If you need specific cases on a given topic you should buy our index which lists all cases we have reported through 2001, broken down by more than 500 subjects. Because we can't provide direct representation or other forms of assistance we strive to give readers the tools they need to help themselves.

I would like to thank those readers who continue sending PLN newspaper clippings and information about prison and jail related news. Most news media report prison and jail news as local stories that rarely make it into the national media. Keep sending us clippings and news from your neck of the woods. Be sure to write the source of the clipping and the date it was published on it. We also would like to encourage our readers, especially attorneys, to send us the details on prison and jail cases they win. This includes damage awards and declaratory and injunctive relief cases. PLN is one of the few venues which regularly publishes this information and it helps other litigants better evaluate their cases.

In addition to expanding our book selection, PLN now sells books and subscriptions online from its website at PLN subscriptions and books make the perfect holiday gift. If you are online check out our website, if you're not and have friends or relatives who are, encourage them to check it out.

In the year since the September 11 attacks censorship efforts by prison officials around the country have dramatically increased. PLN is duly responding to this to ensure all subscribers receive both PLN and any of the materials we distribute.

If you are a prisoner subscriber and your PLN subscription is censored or otherwise not delivered to you by prison officials please let us know about it and in the meantime exhaust whatever administrative remedies you have available (i.e., grievance system) as that documents the problem. In most cases, PLN is never informed of the censorship until readers alert us to it. PLN cannot do anything about censorship issues until we can confirm that we are in fact being censored. Once we have proof censorship is actually occurring we can then try to resolve the problem administratively and if that fails, initiate litigation.

Finally, by now all readers should have received PLN's annual fundraiser request. If you have not yet donated please do so. It is your donations about and beyond the cost of subscriptions which covers PLN operating costs and allows us to continue publishing and bringing you the news and information on the prison industrial complex that no one else does. Everyone at PLN wishes our readers a happy holiday season and best wishes for the new year.

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