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From the Editor

As PLN goes into its fourteenth publishing year, we have expanded our size to 40 pages to bring readers more information about prison and jail issues than ever before. Despite a prison and jail population at an all time high of more than two millions people imprisoned, the state of the prison press is in perilous decline. In the 1970's and 80's, dozens of publications around the country reported on prison and jail issues. California alone had at least six. Today, very few publications report on prison and jail issues from a prisoner perspective. All too often the only news that emanates from prisons and jails is press releases issued by prison officials.

Likewise, no other publication covers prison and jail litigation on a national scale from the plaintiff's perspective. If you like what you read in PLN and believe in the role of the prison press I hope you can help support it financially. PLN relies almost exclusively on its readers and individual donors to continue our publishing mission. By now subscribers should have received a fund-raiser mailing from PLN requesting your support. Simply put, we rely on you, our readers, to continue publishing as we have for the past 13 years and need that support to keep going.

In this issue of PLN we explore the issue of innocent people imprisoned for offenses they did not commit as well as the damage remedies available to them upon release. PLN will cover the issue of exonerated prisoners in future issues as well as lawsuits and litigation surrounding their attempts at claiming damages.

As always, we welcome story ideas and suggestions as well as article submissions from our readers. If there is a story you think is important but is not being covered, let us know about it. As always, please keep sending news clippings as they are a useful source of information for PLN and in developing news and stories. Most prison news is reported as a local story and rarely makes it into the national media. If something newsworthy is going on in your neck of the woods, let PLN know about it.

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