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Guards Let California Prisoner Slowly Starve to Death
Loaded on March 15, 2003
published in Prison Legal News
October, 2004, page 33
Guards Let California Prisoner Slowly Starve To Death
Seventy-two year old Khem Singh, who spoke no English and was crippled and wheelchair-bound, died of starvation in his Corcoran State Prison Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (SATF) cell on February 16, 2004, after guards allegedly let him waste away without food or ...
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- Two Empty Bottles With Different Labels: John Kerry on Criminal Justice Issues, by Paul Wright
- U.S. Torture: A Sordid History Of Official And Systematic Abuse, by G. Flint Taylor
- Florida's Rush to Disenfranchise Felons Before the 2004 Election, by David Reutter
- Restoration of Voting Rights in Washington, by Julya Hampton
- Georgia DOC to Provide Court Access With Computers, Legal Software
- Seventh Circuit Allows Sanctions for Frivolous Habeas Corpus Petitions
- Denial of Nation of Islam Literature Unconstitutional, by David Reutter
- California Prisons Contract-Medical-Care Audit Reveals Millions In Waste, by Marvin Mentor
- Scrubbing Abu Ghraib Away, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Report Downplays Wrongful Convictions in U.S., by Hans Sherrer
- Acrimonious Michigan Prisoners' Rights Suit Settled After 15 Years, by John E Dannenberg
- PLRA Applies to Juveniles; Claim Administratively Exhausted
- Tulia Travesty Settled for $6 Million, by Hans Sherrer
- Mismanaged, Money-Losing Folsom City Prison Closed, by John E Dannenberg
- $300,000 Awarded for Delayed Treatment of New York Prisoner's Hearing Loss
- New Jersey Over Detains Prisoner Two Years Due to Illegal Sentence Calculation
- Democratic Organization Gives Some Felons Second Chance
- Stun Belt Violates Due Process; Habeas Granted, by John E Dannenberg
- VP's Drug Dealer Retaliation Claim Ordered to Trial
- Report Blasts South Carolina Plan to Privatize Prison Health Care, by Michael Rigby
- Guards Let California Prisoner Slowly Starve to Death
- Parents of Deceased Wisconsin Boot Camp Prisoner Settle for $462,000
- The Citebook, by Michael Rigby
- Florida DOC Ordered to Assist Felons Restore Their Voting Rights, by David Reutter
- New York Court Awards Prisoner $180,000 in Slip and Fall
- California Internet Injunction Upheld
- Preliminary Injunction Granted to Religious Objector of Tuberculosis Skin Test, by David Reutter
- New Mexico Lawyers Entitled to Jail Visiting, Phone and Records Access
- Prisons Almanac 2004 Prisons Foundation, Washington, DC, by John E Dannenberg
- Texas Syndicate Gang Members Busted - Again, by C.C. Simmons
- U.S. Supreme Court: Guantanamo Detainees and "Enemy Combatants" Have Access to Habeas Corpus, by John E Dannenberg
- California Awards Wrongly Incarcerated Man $428,000
- News in Brief
- Jury Awards $20,000 to Nurse Stuck by Needle from HIV Positive Prisoner
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