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Texas Syndicate Gang Members Busted - Again
by C. C. Simmons
Deep in the bowels of the 4,000-man H. H. Coffield State Prison in east Texas, a young prisoner is locked in a telephone-booth-size holding cage. He screams obscenities at everyone. In the next corridor, a squad of guards attired in helmets, gas masks, and padded vests ...
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- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Report Downplays Wrongful Convictions in U.S., by Hans Sherrer
- Acrimonious Michigan Prisoners' Rights Suit Settled After 15 Years, by John E Dannenberg
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- Tulia Travesty Settled for $6 Million, by Hans Sherrer
- Mismanaged, Money-Losing Folsom City Prison Closed, by John E Dannenberg
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- Democratic Organization Gives Some Felons Second Chance
- Stun Belt Violates Due Process; Habeas Granted, by John E Dannenberg
- VP's Drug Dealer Retaliation Claim Ordered to Trial
- Report Blasts South Carolina Plan to Privatize Prison Health Care, by Michael Rigby
- Guards Let California Prisoner Slowly Starve to Death
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- The Citebook, by Michael Rigby
- Florida DOC Ordered to Assist Felons Restore Their Voting Rights, by David Reutter
- New York Court Awards Prisoner $180,000 in Slip and Fall
- California Internet Injunction Upheld
- Preliminary Injunction Granted to Religious Objector of Tuberculosis Skin Test, by David Reutter
- New Mexico Lawyers Entitled to Jail Visiting, Phone and Records Access
- Prisons Almanac 2004 Prisons Foundation, Washington, DC, by John E Dannenberg
- Texas Syndicate Gang Members Busted - Again, by C.C. Simmons
- U.S. Supreme Court: Guantanamo Detainees and "Enemy Combatants" Have Access to Habeas Corpus, by John E Dannenberg
- California Awards Wrongly Incarcerated Man $428,000
- News in Brief
- Jury Awards $20,000 to Nurse Stuck by Needle from HIV Positive Prisoner
More from C.C. Simmons:
- The American Correctional Association A Fraud on Texas Taxpayers, Sept. 15, 2004
- CSC: More Misery and Misfortune, Sept. 15, 2003
- Texas Syndicate Gang Members Busted - Again, March 15, 2003
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