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New York's Felon Disenfranchisement Law Not Saved By Federal Voting Rights Act
New York's Felon Disenfranchisement Law Not Saved
By Federal Voting Rights Act
by John E. Dannenberg
The Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals held that New York Election Law § 5-106, which disenfranchises [i.e., suspends voting rights] of parolees and currently incarcerated felons is not overridden by the federal Voting ...
By Federal Voting Rights Act
by John E. Dannenberg
The Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals held that New York Election Law § 5-106, which disenfranchises [i.e., suspends voting rights] of parolees and currently incarcerated felons is not overridden by the federal Voting ...
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- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Report Lambastes New York Lockdowns, by Michael Rigby
- Report Lambastes New York Lockdowns
- Habeas Hints, by Kent A. Russell
- Oregon HCV Class Action Settled; Limitations Period for Individual Damages Actions Tolled, by Mark Wilson
- Expert Panel Significantly Revises Oregon's HCV Guidelines
- Alabama Settles Class Action Medical Suit; Institutes HCV Treatment Protocol, by John E Dannenberg
- Jury Awards $500,000 to Massachusetts Jail Guard Harassed for Breaking Code of Silence
- Three Americans Convicted of Running Sham Military Jail in Afghanistan
- South Carolina Prison Industry Program Problematic, Audit Finds, by Michael Rigby
- Doctors of Death and the Medicalization of State Murder, by Michael Rigby
- Prisoner's Release Fails to Excuse PLRA's Exhaustion Requirement
- California Sex Offender Satisfies Registration Obligation If He Mails Notice
- New Jersey Jail Guard Settles Elevator Fall Suit for $750,000
- AEDPA One-Year Clock Starts When Administrative Parole Appeal Is Denied, by John E Dannenberg
- Tough Justice Leads To Quadriplegic's Death In CCA-Operated D.C. Jail, by Michael Rigby
- Rikers Island Gunshot Victims' Suit Dismissed
- Government Says No Criminal Conduct in New Jersey Mass Prisoner Beating, But Jury Awards Abused Prisoner $19,000; Sexual Harassment Suit Settled for $250,000
- Qualified Immunity Denied In Failure To Protect And Delay of Emergency Treatment, by Bob Williams
- California Prisoner Trust Accounts Allegedly Used To Launder Gang Drug Taxes
- CMS Liable for Prisoner's Failed Hip Prosthesis; $75,000 Awarded, by Robert Woodman
- Absolute Immunity For Acting On Court Order Denied In Failure To Protect Claim, by Bob Williams
- New York Prisoner Awarded $105,000 for Shoulder Injury
- California Sexual Predator Unconditionally Released
- New York's Felon Disenfranchisement Law Not Saved By Federal Voting Rights Act, by John E Dannenberg
- Connecticut Prison Writers Settle Lawsuit, Writing Program Reinstated, by Michael Rigby
- Los Angeles County Pays $800,000 To Settle County Jail Medical Suit for Untreated Lupus, by John E Dannenberg
- Seventh Circuit Interprets "Brought" As Used 42 U.S.C. § 1197e(a)
- Ninth Circuit: "Chilling Effect" Not Required To Establish First Amendment Violation, by Marvin Mentor
- Oregon Prisoner's Allegation of Economic Damages States Sufficient Claim
- BOP Ad-Seg Rules Create a Liberty Interest, by David Reutter
- Oregon Parole Increase Following Appeal Violates Due Process, Presumption of Vindictiveness Applies
- Massachusetts Jail Prisoner Awarded $20,000 For Crushed Knuckle
- Federal Court Orders Mississippi to Desegregate HIV+ Prisoners
- California Demands $1.6 Million In Diverted Telephone Revenues From Private Prison Contractor, by John E Dannenberg
- Texas County, Deputy Settle Sex Assault Case For $50,000
- Iowa Must Give Kosher Meals to Civilly Committed Sex Offender, by John E Dannenberg
- Are Prisons Obsolete?, by Silja JA Talvi
- News in Brief
- California Prosecutor Fights Deportation Of Paroled Sex Offenders
More from John E Dannenberg:
- California’s “Realignment” Law Sends 38,000 State Prisoners to County Control, Aug. 11, 2016
- Pennsylvania Prisoner Gets $12,500 in Retaliation Suit After Remittitur, Jan. 15, 2010
- Nebraska Muslim Prisoner Wins Religious Concessions, April 15, 2009
- Illegal Strip Searches During Minor Charges Net Sacramento Jail Detainees $1,000 Each, May 15, 2007
- California: Knowing Waiver of Conduct Credits at Plea Agreement Controls Upon Later Probation Violations, May 15, 2007
- Arizona Internet Ban Permanently Enjoined, May 15, 2007
- California: "Mailbox Rule" Extended to Civil Complaints Against Public Entity, May 15, 2007
- California Attorney Richard Dangler Sanctioned for "Shameful, Frivolous" Prisoner Appeals; Resigns, May 15, 2007
- PLN Wins FOIA Suit to Gain Copies of BOP Verdicts and Settlements without Charge, Sept. 15, 2006
- Supreme Court: Banning Publications to Punish Recalcitrant Prisoners Trumps Their First Amendment Rights, Sept. 15, 2006
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- Ending Prison Slavery on the Ballot in California, Nevada, Aug. 15, 2024. Prison Labor, Voting, State Legislation.
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- Floridians Face Prison for Voting from Jail, June 30, 2022. Voting, Constitutional Challenges/Claims, Incarcerated Felons.
- New Connecticut Law Eliminates Prison Gerrymandering, Oct. 1, 2021. Voting, Rural Prisons.
- Nominal Representation Without Actual Representation: One Person, No Vote, Sept. 8, 2021. Voting, Rural Prisons.
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