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Tough Justice Leads To Quadriplegic's Death In CCA-Operated D.C. Jail
Tough Justice Leads To Quadriplegic's Death
In CCA-Operated D.C. Jail
by Michael Rigby
Washington D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith E. Retchin is known for being tough on crime. She's so tough, in fact, that when a quadriplegic man came before her for possessing a small amount of marijuanahis first offenseshe ...
In CCA-Operated D.C. Jail
by Michael Rigby
Washington D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith E. Retchin is known for being tough on crime. She's so tough, in fact, that when a quadriplegic man came before her for possessing a small amount of marijuanahis first offenseshe ...
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- Kentucky Prison Guard Awarded $34,000 in Sexual Harassment Suit
- California Latino Gang Members Locked Down Over 20 Months; Narrow U.S. Attorney Criminal Review Finds "No Abuses"
- Tenth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of PLN Suit Challenging Kansas DOC Ban On Gift Subscriptions, by John E Dannenberg
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Report Lambastes New York Lockdowns, by Michael Rigby
- Report Lambastes New York Lockdowns
- Habeas Hints, by Kent A. Russell
- Oregon HCV Class Action Settled; Limitations Period for Individual Damages Actions Tolled, by Mark Wilson
- Expert Panel Significantly Revises Oregon's HCV Guidelines
- Alabama Settles Class Action Medical Suit; Institutes HCV Treatment Protocol, by John E Dannenberg
- Jury Awards $500,000 to Massachusetts Jail Guard Harassed for Breaking Code of Silence
- Three Americans Convicted of Running Sham Military Jail in Afghanistan
- South Carolina Prison Industry Program Problematic, Audit Finds, by Michael Rigby
- Doctors of Death and the Medicalization of State Murder, by Michael Rigby
- Prisoner's Release Fails to Excuse PLRA's Exhaustion Requirement
- California Sex Offender Satisfies Registration Obligation If He Mails Notice
- New Jersey Jail Guard Settles Elevator Fall Suit for $750,000
- AEDPA One-Year Clock Starts When Administrative Parole Appeal Is Denied, by John E Dannenberg
- Tough Justice Leads To Quadriplegic's Death In CCA-Operated D.C. Jail, by Michael Rigby
- Rikers Island Gunshot Victims' Suit Dismissed
- Government Says No Criminal Conduct in New Jersey Mass Prisoner Beating, But Jury Awards Abused Prisoner $19,000; Sexual Harassment Suit Settled for $250,000
- Qualified Immunity Denied In Failure To Protect And Delay of Emergency Treatment, by Bob Williams
- California Prisoner Trust Accounts Allegedly Used To Launder Gang Drug Taxes
- CMS Liable for Prisoner's Failed Hip Prosthesis; $75,000 Awarded, by Robert Woodman
- Absolute Immunity For Acting On Court Order Denied In Failure To Protect Claim, by Bob Williams
- New York Prisoner Awarded $105,000 for Shoulder Injury
- California Sexual Predator Unconditionally Released
- New York's Felon Disenfranchisement Law Not Saved By Federal Voting Rights Act, by John E Dannenberg
- Connecticut Prison Writers Settle Lawsuit, Writing Program Reinstated, by Michael Rigby
- Los Angeles County Pays $800,000 To Settle County Jail Medical Suit for Untreated Lupus, by John E Dannenberg
- Seventh Circuit Interprets "Brought" As Used 42 U.S.C. § 1197e(a)
- Ninth Circuit: "Chilling Effect" Not Required To Establish First Amendment Violation, by Marvin Mentor
- Oregon Prisoner's Allegation of Economic Damages States Sufficient Claim
- BOP Ad-Seg Rules Create a Liberty Interest, by David Reutter
- Oregon Parole Increase Following Appeal Violates Due Process, Presumption of Vindictiveness Applies
- Massachusetts Jail Prisoner Awarded $20,000 For Crushed Knuckle
- Federal Court Orders Mississippi to Desegregate HIV+ Prisoners
- California Demands $1.6 Million In Diverted Telephone Revenues From Private Prison Contractor, by John E Dannenberg
- Texas County, Deputy Settle Sex Assault Case For $50,000
- Iowa Must Give Kosher Meals to Civilly Committed Sex Offender, by John E Dannenberg
- Are Prisons Obsolete?, by Silja JA Talvi
- News in Brief
- California Prosecutor Fights Deportation Of Paroled Sex Offenders
More from Michael Rigby:
- Report On Arizona Hostage Crisis May Never Be Released , Aug. 23, 2016
- Federal Jury Awards $45,001 to Maryland Prisoner Assaulted By Guards, Aug. 23, 2016
- Wisconsin Appeals Court Orders Photos Delivered to Prisoner, April 15, 2013
- New York: Indigent Defendants' Suit Over Non-representation Ruled Justiciable, March 15, 2013
- Trial and Conviction in Washington Jailhouse Courtroom Overturned, March 15, 2013
- Scientific Advances in Arson Investigations Reveal Wrongful Convictions, Jan. 15, 2013
- Ninth Circuit Rules Right to Court Access Violated When Lockdown Prevents Prisoner from Researching Issues Related to Direct Appeal, Nov. 15, 2011
- Some Agencies Balk at Releasing Prison Phone Data, April 15, 2011
- Facebook Lands Prison Guards, Prisoners in Hot Water, April 15, 2011
- Federal Restitution Law Failing Crime Victims, Jan. 15, 2011
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- Failures Brought to Light in Arizona Prison System’s COVID-19 Response, March 1, 2025. Centurion, Systemic Medical Neglect, COVID-19.
- Sixth Circuit Upholds $6.4 Million Jury Award Against Corizon Nurses For Michigan Jail Prisoner’s Fatal Alcohol Withdrawal, March 1, 2025. Corizon, Drug/Alcohol Withdrawal, Settlements, Medical Neglect/Malpractice.
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- Harvey Weinstein Files Notice of Claim Over Rikers Island Detention, Feb. 15, 2025. Systemic Medical Neglect, Conditions of Confinement, State Law Claims.
- $150,000 Settlement But No Charges After Schizophrenic Florida Detainee Killed by Jail Guards, Feb. 15, 2025. Guard Misconduct, Medical Neglect/Malpractice, Excessive Force (Wrongful Death), Failure to Treat (Mental Illness).
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