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Four CCA Guards Indicted in Murder of Nashville Prisoner
Four guards have been indicted for reckless homicide and aggravated assault in the July 2004 murder of a female prisoner at the Metro Detention Facility in Nashville, Tennessee, previously reported in PLN. [see PLN, Apr. 2005, p. 14]. The Metro facility is run by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), ...
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- Abu Ghraib: Enduring Symbol of Hated Regimes, by Matthew T. Clarke
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- Report Details Suicide and Homicide Rates in Prisons, Jails, by Michael Rigby
- Four CCA Guards Indicted in Murder of Nashville Prisoner, by Matthew T. Clarke
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- BJS Director Sacked For Telling Truth About Racial Profiling, by Matthew T. Clarke
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- West Virginia Prisoner Sued By Victims Mother Following $50,000 Award
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- Jury Awards $858,200 in California Jail Suicide
- New York Prisoner Awarded $2,760 for Improper Confinement/Denial Medical Care
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- Former Illinois Death Row Prisoners Malicious Prosecution Claim Rejected
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- Neglected New York Prisoner Dies At Jail Following Heart Surgery, by Michael Rigby
- Arizona Prisoners Mortality Report Confidentiality Not Federally Protected, by John Dannenberg
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- U.S. Prison Population Hits Nearly 2.3 Million In 2004, by Michael Rigby
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- Seventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Retaliation Claim
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- News in Brief
- Native American California Prisoner Entitled to Religious Exception from Prison Hair Grooming Policy, by John E Dannenberg
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