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Michigan Prisoners Deliberate Indifference Claim Nets $73,906 In Fees
Loaded on Oct. 15, 2006
published in Prison Legal News
October, 2006, page 36
Michigan Prisoner's Deliberate Indifference Claim Nets $73,906 In Fees
On October 20, 2005, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Southern Division, awarded $73,906 in attorneys fees to a plaintiff who prevailed on his claim of deliberate indifference against a Kalamazoo deputy. The Court additionally held that ...
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- Board of Commissioners Clears PHS In Three Leon County (Florida) Jail Deaths, by John Dannenberg
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Focus on Sex Offenders Increases While Number of Sex Offenses Decline
- Attempted Arrest of Federal Prison Guards in Florida Turns Deadly, by Michael Rigby
- Panel Suggests Using Prisoners in Drug Trials, by Ian Urbina
- PLNs Publication-Ban Suit Against Kansas DOC Set For Trial On Declaratory And Injunctive Relief, by John Dannenberg
- Massachusetts Prisoner Awarded $60,000 For Electrical Shock
- Delaware Law: Punishing Prisoners for Reporting Sexual Abuse by Guards, by David Reutter
- Oregon Guard Gets 32 Months For Sex With Prisoner
- Habeas Hints, by Kent A. Russell
- Report on Status of Guantanamo Prisoners Released; Controversy Continues, by Matthew T. Clarke
- California Guard Convicted of Abetting Prison Gang
- Texas Prisoner Gets 40 Years For Cellphone; Guards Get Probation, by Michael Rigby
- Audit Criticizes Management of ODOC Financial Computer System
- Years Long Pattern of Medical Neglect Defeats Summary Judgment, by David Reutter
- Florida DOC Cuts Prisoner Collect Call Costs by 30%, by David Reutter
- Arkansas County Pays $40,000 To Handicapped Man Raped In Jail, by Michael Rigby
- EMSA, Florida County to Pay $500,000 for Untreated Ectopic Pregnancy, by Michael Rigby
- Arkansas Mayor, Sheriff, Wife Jailed for Burglary, Drugs, Sex and More, by Gary Hunter
- Audit Reveals California DOC Employees Illegally Received Holiday Pay for Scheduled Days Off
- $600,000 Settlement for Abuse at Maine Juvenile Prison
- Female Missouri Prisoners Make $291,000 as Sexy Pen Pals, AG Wants His Cut
- Michigan Prisoner Wins $20,000 on Failure to Protect Claim, by Michael Rigby
- Iowa Prisoners Settle Sexual Abuse Lawsuits For $160,000
- District of Columbia Jail Pays $14 Million For Over-Detentions and Strip Searches, by Bob Williams
- Nebraskas County Jails Neglect Mentally Disabled, by Gary Hunter
- Los Angeles County Pays $110,000 for Wrongful Jail Death
- Mumia Abu-Jamal Honored in Paris, France, by Gary Hunter
- Washington Liable for Negligent Parolee Supervision; Bad Jury Instruction Vacates $33 Million Verdic
- Massachusetts Prisoners Battle MRSA, Untreated Hepatitis C, by Michael Rigby
- Texas Jail Suicide Suit Settles For $300,000
- Virginia's General Assembly Sells Out Prisoners' Families for Phone Money, by Gary Hunter
- Supreme Court: Lethal Injection Procedure May Be Challenged Via § 1983, by John Dannenberg
- Maywood, Illinois Jail Settles Failure to Protect Suit For $750,000
- Beaten Texas Prisoner Who Was Denied Safekeeping Awarded $87,500, by Michael Rigby
- WA Youth Detention Officer Awarded $603,500; Remitted Damages Reinstated
- Michigan Prisoners Deliberate Indifference Claim Nets $73,906 In Fees
- New York Prisoner Paid $1.25 Million for Untreated Glaucoma
- $1.35 Million Settlement for Wrongful Death of Illinois Prisoner
- California Parole Board Squelches Life Prisoner Writs on Procedural Grounds
- Florida Gain Time Revocation Clarified
- L.A. County Pays $300,000 for Wrongful Death of Psychiatric Jail Prisoner
- Former Head New York Islamic Prison Chaplain Pleads Guilty in Gun Case
- WA Courts Cannot Extend Supervision Period for Sex Offenses Committed Before 1996
- New Yorks Son of Sam Law Constitutional, Damages Seized
- Floridas Felon Disenfranchisement Law Upheld, by David Reutter
- News in Brief:
- Successor Judge Needs Compelling Reason to Reopen Prior Judges Ruling
- No Qualified Immunity for Arkansas Detainees Miscarriage
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