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News in Brief:

Alabama: On May 7, 2007, Leigh Ann Cochran, 33, a guard at the Houston county jail, was arrested and charged with having sexual contact with at least one prisoner and buying unspecified contraband for several others.

California: On March 8, 2007, Jack Boerner, 43, a guard at the Salinas State valley Prison in Soledad was arrested on charges he raped a juvenile female of an unspecified age.

Colorado: On July 12, 2007, 20 unidentified soldiers parachuted into a cornfield on the grounds of the Fremont Correctional Facility after missing their landing zone at the Fremont county airport. The soldiers claimed they were with the Department of Defense but refused to tell prison employees which branch. The soldiers were armed with rifles and rubber bullets.

Florida: On May 7, 2007, Collier county jail guard Wayne Lawson, 26, was arrested and charged with forcing a female jail prisoner he was supervising on a work detail to perform oral sex.

Florida: On May 9, 2007, Sergeant Ramiro Torrico, an employee with the Florida Department of Corrections at the Dade Correctional Institute was charged with felony bribery for extorting a prisoner for $20,000 in exchange for protection and privileges.

Greece: On April 23, 2007, prisoners across Greece rioted and protested the beating of anarchist prisoner Yiannis Dimitrakis and the repression of his fellow prisoners who protested it. The rebellious prisoners protested overcrowding, short recreation times, limited access to water, regular beatings by guards and electronic surveillance. Some prisoners also went on food strikes.

Illinois: On May 10, 2007, five prisoners in the maximum security section of the Cook County jail in Chicago were stabbed after a dozen prisoners began fighting in a dayroom.

Iowa: On March 12, 2007, registered sex offender Robert Putney Jr., 40, killed himself with chemicals in a parked car. Shortly after police seized his home computer as part of a child pornography investigation Putney told police he would not return to prison where he had served several years after a 1992 child sex offense conviction.

Kentucky: On April 6, 2007, officials at the Kentucky Correctional and Psychiatric Center in LaGrange received a fax demanding that Timothy Rouse, 19, be released immediately. Rouse had been at the prison for a mental evaluation while awaiting trial on charges he beat an elderly man. Prison officials released him despite the fact that the fax: contained grammar errors, was not on a letterhead and had been faxed from a local grocery store and that the Kentucky supreme court purportedly ?demanded? Rouse?s release. Prison officials caught their mistake two weeks later and on April 19, 2007, arrested Rouse at his mother?s house.

Maryland: On March 7, 2007, Antoine Hill, 46, a guard at the Cecil County jail, pleaded guilty to fondling a female jail prisoner in his custody. As part of the plea bargain prosecutors dropped several other charges against him.

Nevada: On December 28, 2006, Anthony Beltran, 33, a prisoner convicted of various charges including rape, kidnapping ad burglary, was stabbed to death by another prisoner at the Ely State Prison.

New Jersey: On May 7, 2007, Karen Conlow, 35, a guard at the Southern State Correctional Facility was arrested and charged with having sex with four male prisoners in the living unit where she worked, but not at the same time. In addition to sending and receiving love letters with the four prisoners she was also accused of engaging in other unlawful activity which included sending one of the prisoners a money order.

Oregon: On April 20, 2007, prisoners in the Jackson County jail allegedly flooded the facility with sewage. The jail has had sewage flooding problems since 1999. Jail workers claim that prisoners cause the floods by draining the toilet pipes so they can shout through the pipes and speak with other prisoners.

South Carolina: On March 8, 2007, Signeous Green, 32, a guard at the Richland County jail was arrested and charged with assault and battery for taunting and then beating a handcuffed prisoner he had escorted to a court hearing. The beating was severe, breaking the unidentified prisoners? nose and requiring medical attention and stitches.

South Carolina: On May 3, 2007, Brittany Campbell, 19, a prison guard for the South Carolina Department of Corrections was arrested on charges she had sex with a prisoner at the Kirkland Correctional Institution where she was employed. All fifty states criminalize sex between prisoners and staff.

Tennessee: On May 10, Anthony Kelly, 48, a California state prisoner transferred to a Corrections Corporation of America prison died of a heart attack while watching 20 other transferred prisoners fight in a dayroom.

Texas: On May 12, 2007, Hector Almanza, 31, a guard at a Geo Corporation state jail in San Antonio was arrested on charges that he accepted an $800 bribe to smuggle an ounce of black tar heroin into the jail where he works.

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