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Wrongful Death At Wallens Ridge State Prison Settled For $1,540,000

In 2002, the state of Connecticut paid $1.1 million and in 2003 the state of Virginia paid $350,000 to the family of Connecticut state prisoner Larry Frazier who died a torturous death in a supermax prison.

To ease Connecticut overcrowding, Frazier, serving a 30 to 60-year sentence for rape, was transferred in 1999 along with 500 other Connecticut state prisoners to the Wallens Ridge Supermax prison in Virginia. He died in 2000 after a stun gun was used to repeatedly shock him to the point that once left alone, strapped to a bed, he lapsed into a coma. While the states denied liability, human rights groups said Supermax guards treat everyone like they're Hanibal Lecter.

Virginia's settlement was made under terms of confidentiality but discovered through the Freedom of Information Act. On October 24, 2005, the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia unsealed the documents in the case prompting a quick demand from the state attorneys to reseal the case. See: Frazier v. Angelone, US DC WD VA, Case No. 7:02CV1208.

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Frazier v. Angelone