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Prisoner Found Negligent, Ordered to Pay $40,000 in Attorney Fees

A 31-year-old Florida prisoner was assigned to work on a sanitation truck
on a work release squad from Zephyrhills Correctional Institution when the
truck struck a pole, throwing him from the truck. The prisoner sustained a
TMJ and cervical and lumbar strains. At trial, the defendant City of
Zephyrhills contended the prisoner was directing the truck from the rear
and the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC), who was a third-party
defendant, was responsible for the prisoner's medical costs. A jury found
the prisoner was 95% negligent. The City was awarded $36,225 from FDOC for
the prisoner's medical costs and $40,583 in attorney fees and costs from
the prisoner. See: Peterson v. City of Zephyrhills, 6th Judicial Circuit,
Case No CA 93-733, 1996 WL 746247.

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Related legal case

Peterson v. City of Zephyrhills