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$90,000 Awarded to New York Prisoner for Delay of Surgery
Loaded on Feb. 15, 2008
published in Prison Legal News
February, 2008, page 28
A New York Court of Claims has awarded a prisoner $90,000 in a medical malpractice claim stemming from prison personnel delaying surgery, causing lasting injury and pain. The claim was brought by Sing Sing Correctional Facility prisoner Jonathan D. Long, who was hit by an errant softball on the left ...
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- Scandal Rocks Texas Youth Commission; Youths Molested by School Supervisors, by Gary Hunter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Oregon Parole Officer’s Molestation Victim’s Suicide Claims Settled for $210,000
- Overdetention: When Completing a Prison Sentence Just Isn’t Enough, by David Reutter
- Arizona Prison Guard Awarded $750,000 for False Sexual Misconduct Allegations
- Colorado Farms Out Prisoners to Replace Immigrant Farm Workers
- Death Sentence: The Feds Throw the Book at King County'sJail as Prisoner Fatalities Skyrocket, by Rick Anderson
- Washington State: No Restoration of Felon Voting Rights Until Fines and Restitution are Paid
- Los Angeles Settles County Jail Murder Suit For $1 Million, by John Dannenberg
- Louisiana Work-Release Prisoners Used by Sheriff in Chop Shop, by Gary Hunter
- Non-Convicted Michigan Sex Offenders Required to Register
- Independent Monitor Issues First Report on Delaware Health Care
- "Let Freedom Ring" -- Cellphones Abound In California Prisons
- Privately Run Seal Beach, California Jail Closed Following Checkered Past, by John Dannenberg
- New York Prisoner Awarded $4,250 for Knee Injury While Shackled
- $90,000 Awarded to New York Prisoner for Delay of Surgery
- Nevada Jail Strip Searches Before Release on Own Recognizance Unconstitutional
- Alabama Judge Resigns Amid Prisoner Spanking Allegations and Judicial Improprieties
- Lawsuit Exposes Jail Limbo for Mentally Incompetent Defendants in Texas, by Matthew Clarke
- BOP Removes Religious Books; Capitulates After Public Outrage, Lawsuit
- BOP Must Provide Prisoner's FOIA Request in Electronic Format
- Missouri Ordered to Pay Prisoner's $250,000 Judgment Plus Fees and Costs for Sexual Assaults by Work Supervisor, by John Dannenberg
- Second Circuit Rejects New York’s Interlocutory Appeal of Prisoner's $7.65 Million Failure-to-Protect Jury Verdict, by John Dannenberg
- Transsexuals Treated Poorly in New York Prisons, by David Reutter
- WA Prisoners Entitled to Minimal Due Process Before Risk Level Demotion
- Broward County, FL Sheriff Resigns, Pleads Guilty to Federal Corruption Charges, by David Reutter
- Study Finds Federal Defenders Outperform CJA Attorneys
- New York Pays State Prisoner $1,100 for Disregarding Work Restrictions
- Ninth Circuit Holds Washington DOC Immune From Suit for Denial of Community Custody Early Release, by John Dannenberg
- Spectrum Health Systems Pays Massachusetts $7.5 Million for Fraud in Concert with Civigenics
- Florida's Parole Commission Slows Restoration of Felons' Civil Rights, by David Reutter
- Alabama Prisons Sell Land to Finance Prison Building, Repair
- Federal Suit Over Wisconsin Suicide Attempt Settles for Millions, by Michael Rigby
- $100,000 Settlement in Missouri Jail Prisoner’s Methamphetamine Overdose Death
- PLN Sues CDCR Over Failure to Produce Public Records
- News in Brief:
- New Jersey "Anthrax" Legal Mail Policy Unconstitutional; Count Condemns Opening Outside Prisoner's Presence
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