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Highest Criminal Appeals Judge in Texas Faces Removal Hearing
Loaded on Aug. 15, 2009
published in Prison Legal News
August, 2009, page 34
by Matt ClarkeOn February 19, 2009, the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct charged Sharon “Killer” Keller, Chief Justice of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest court in Texas over criminal matters, with five disciplinary charges – including bringing discredit on the judiciary and violating her duty as ...
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- Improper Classification that Resulted in Seattle Jail Beating Settles for $37,500
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- $2.1 Million Award in California Prisoner’s Choking Death
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- $250,000 Award in Mississippi False Imprisonment Suit
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- Study Shows Few Texas Prisoners Transition Well to Community HIV Treatment
- Highest Criminal Appeals Judge in Texas Faces Removal Hearing
- Audit Report Finds Michigan Prisoner Transportation System Wasteful, by David Reutter
- Seventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Suit Alleging Excessive Force, Retaliation and Inadequate Medical Care; Settles for $15,000
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- OK Prisoners Released from Custody Despite Deportation Detainers
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- Nebraska: Tape-Recorded, Restricted-Calling Prison Telephone System Passes Constitutional Muster, by John Dannenberg
- Absent Claim for Emotional Damages, Prisoner’s Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege Remains Intact
- Prolonged Bench Restraint and Excessive Pepper Spraying Requires Trial
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Prisoner’s Environmental Tobacco Smoke Suit, by Matthew Clarke
- Federal Prison Guards’ Convictions Affirmed in Sex Scandal, by David Reutter
- $150,000 Settlement In Missouri Jail Suicide Suit
- First Circuit Upholds BOP’s Discretion to Limit Halfway House Placement
- Ninth Circuit: Orange County Jail Violated Ad Seg Prisoners’ ADA, Religious and Exercise Rights, by John Dannenberg
- Fourth Circuit Upholds Prisoner Exclusion in Virginia FOIA
- Eleventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Challenge to Florida DOC Ban on Pen Pal Requests
- Eleventh Circuit Unpublished Decision on PLRA Administrative Exhaustion Requirements Trumped by Published Ruling
- Ohio Supreme Court Rules Sex Offender Residency Restrictions Not Retroactive, by Matthew Clarke
- Denial of Bedding, Clothes to Florida Prisoner States Claim
- News in Brief:
- Alabama Raises Rates Charged for Prisoner Labor
- District Court Erred in Sua Sponte Dismissal of Prisoner’s Challenge to Conditions of Confinement
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