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Vendor Crushed by Seattle Jail Door Receives $43,525 for Injuries
Loaded on Aug. 15, 2009
published in Prison Legal News
August, 2009, page 33
Washington State’s King County Jail in Seattle has paid $43,525 to settle a claim brought by a man delivering frozen food to the Jail. While making his delivery on November 7, 2002, David Huntington was crushed by a heavy metal door operated remotely and from inside the building housing the ...
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- Florida’s Private Prisons Still Lack Meaningful Oversight, by David Reutter
- Motions to Oust California Prison System’s Federal Healthcare Receiver Denied, by John Dannenberg
- 15 Guards Charged with Assaulting Maryland Prisoners, by David Reutter
- Oregon’s Criminal Justice Economic Recovery Plan: Keep Digging!, by Mark Wilson
- Indiana Lifelong Violent Offender Registration Preliminary Injunction Upheld in Part
- $1,423,127 in Attorney Fees Awarded in Taser Suit; Damages Reduced
- Report Recommends Lawmakers Reinstate College Programs in Prison, by David Reutter
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- Improper Classification that Resulted in Seattle Jail Beating Settles for $37,500
- Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v. The U.S.A., by Mumia Abu-Jamal, Published by City Lights Publishers, ISBN 978-0-8728646-9-6; 286 Pages; $16.95, by Gary Hunter
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- $10,000 Settlement for Bunk Bed Railing Hitting Prisoner
- $2.1 Million Award in California Prisoner’s Choking Death
- Poaching Boast Lands Oregon Prison Guard in Hot Water; Pulls State Trooper Father Down with Him, by Mark Wilson
- Utah Evaluates Drug Program Pilot; Recommends Further Evaluation, by David Reutter
- $100,000 Settlement in Illegal Imprisonment Caused by Massachusetts’ Failure to Implement Court Order, by David Reutter
- Vermont Supreme Court: “Nutraloaf” Diet Is Punishment that Requires Hearing
- Ohio Parole Authority Ordered to Grant Hearings that Provide Meaningful Parole Consideration, by David Reutter
- $250,000 Award in Mississippi False Imprisonment Suit
- Vendor Crushed by Seattle Jail Door Receives $43,525 for Injuries
- Study Shows Few Texas Prisoners Transition Well to Community HIV Treatment
- Highest Criminal Appeals Judge in Texas Faces Removal Hearing
- Audit Report Finds Michigan Prisoner Transportation System Wasteful, by David Reutter
- Seventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Suit Alleging Excessive Force, Retaliation and Inadequate Medical Care; Settles for $15,000
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- Illinois Court of Appeals: Prisoner Has Standing to Sue Ameritech for Fraud
- AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Loses Three Public Records Cases
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- Missouri Public Defenders Not Immune from Client Suits
- OK Prisoners Released from Custody Despite Deportation Detainers
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- Nebraska: Tape-Recorded, Restricted-Calling Prison Telephone System Passes Constitutional Muster, by John Dannenberg
- Absent Claim for Emotional Damages, Prisoner’s Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege Remains Intact
- Prolonged Bench Restraint and Excessive Pepper Spraying Requires Trial
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Prisoner’s Environmental Tobacco Smoke Suit, by Matthew Clarke
- Federal Prison Guards’ Convictions Affirmed in Sex Scandal, by David Reutter
- $150,000 Settlement In Missouri Jail Suicide Suit
- First Circuit Upholds BOP’s Discretion to Limit Halfway House Placement
- Ninth Circuit: Orange County Jail Violated Ad Seg Prisoners’ ADA, Religious and Exercise Rights, by John Dannenberg
- Fourth Circuit Upholds Prisoner Exclusion in Virginia FOIA
- Eleventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Challenge to Florida DOC Ban on Pen Pal Requests
- Eleventh Circuit Unpublished Decision on PLRA Administrative Exhaustion Requirements Trumped by Published Ruling
- Ohio Supreme Court Rules Sex Offender Residency Restrictions Not Retroactive, by Matthew Clarke
- Denial of Bedding, Clothes to Florida Prisoner States Claim
- News in Brief:
- Alabama Raises Rates Charged for Prisoner Labor
- District Court Erred in Sua Sponte Dismissal of Prisoner’s Challenge to Conditions of Confinement
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