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$250,000 Settlement After LA Sheriff's Bullet Hits Innocent Bystander

The County of Los Angeles (L.A.) proposed a settlement of $250,000 after an innocent bystander was wounded by a ricocheting bullet. An investigation cleared sheriff's deputies of any wrongdoing but litigation was feared to result in a greater loss.

L.A. sheriffs responded to a situation in which an inebriated man with knives practicing martial arts had stabbed a man. The suspect's brother, plaintiff Jose Carlos, tried to coax his brother out of his apartment. The suspect charged out of the apartment at the closest deputy. When taser fire failed to subdue the suspect, the deputies opened fire. In the commotion, Carlos had attempted to approach the suspect and a ricocheting bullet hit him in the leg. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. Carlos had to undergo several surgeries, and future surgery was imminent. Jose and Elizabeth Carlos filed suit for loss of consortium. A Risk Management Bureau investigation concluded that, although no wrongdoing on the part of the deputies occurred, it was likely that a jury verdict could have exceeded the settlement agreement amount. A Force Review Briefing and Summary Corrective Action Plan was implemented after the incident. See: Carlos v. County of Los Angeles, Superior Ct., L.A. Co., Case No. TC 019723 (July 27, 2006).

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