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$500 Settlement After Illinois Federal Prisoner Food Poisoned

Wisconsin federal prisoner Charles Anderson brought a federal tort action against the United States in 1998 for being food poisoned at the United States Penitentiary (USP) in Marion, Illinois, in 1997. The $2,500 suit settled for less than $500 in 1999

Anderson was incarcerated at USP Marion in 1997. A diet tray was brought to his cell which contained chicken strips. After eating a portion of the meal he discovered that the chicken was undercooked and had numerous feathers attached to it. Hours later he began to vomit and had diarrhea containing blood, suffered stomach pains and abdominal cramps, and could not eat or sleep for three days. Administrative remedies were denied and he brought the action under the Federal Tort Claims Act, alleging that the defendants breached a duty of care in providing him with negligently prepared food which caused him to become violently ill. He sought $2,500 plus court costs and fees.

The suit was dismissed in 1999 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Wisconsin after a settlement agreement was reached and Anderson was paid just under $500. See: Anderson v. United States, USDC, D. Wis., Case No. 98 C 0788 C (July 21, 1999).

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