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From the Editor

As the holidays approach people should consider subscriptions to Prison Legal News or some of the books we distribute as holiday gifts. Some titles, like PLN’s first book publishing project, the Prisoners Guerrilla Handbook to Correspondence Programs in the US and Canada offers the possibility of self improvement far beyond the book itself.

PLN is currently working on our next book project, a cite book of successful habeas corpus cases, that we hope to have ready for distribution around the beginning of the year. We are interested in publishing non fiction, self help, reference books aimed at prisoners which have useful information not readily available elsewhere which would be of interest to US prisoners. If you are a qualified author please send a one page letter of inquiry describing your proposal and qualifications for the project. PLN pays the most competitive royalties in publishing.

We continue to encounter censorship and harassment from prison officials. As the article in this issue of PLN notes, we have sued the Virginia prison system for censoring PLN and the books we distribute and we have several more in the process of being filed. If your subscription to PLN or books you have ordered are censored please send us all the documentation. As a general rule, prison officials do not notify PLN when they censor us. Your help is vital in enabling us to challenge these illegal practices and win.

By now all readers will have received PLN’s annual fundraiser. Please make a donation. Every little bit helps. PLN is currently running at a monthly deficit due to the loss of some grant funding due to the economic downturn. If each PLN subscriber donated an additional $10 a year above the cost of their subscription or if each person who reads PLN, but doesn’t subscribe, sent in one dollar it would compensate our loss. Even if you cannot afford to make a donation, if you know someone who can, please ask them to do so.

In addition to our monthly magazine, PLN remains the only publisher in the United States who challenges prison and jail censorship policies. And we are remarkably successful in doing so. Likewise, PLN has become a leading media source of information for information on the rights of prisoners and advocates for less and better prisons and accountability for prison and jail officials. Your support is what makes this possible.

Enjoy this issue of PLN and please encourage others to subscribe and donate.

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