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$75,000 Settlement in Heart Attack Death of Missouri Jail Prisoner
Loaded on Jan. 15, 2010
published in Prison Legal News
January, 2010, page 15
On June 3, 2009, Greene County, Missouri agreed to pay half of a $75,000 settlement in a wrongful death action brought by the family of a prisoner who died while at the Greene County Jail.
Filed under:
Failure to Treat,
Medical Neglect/Malpractice.
In July 2005, Winston Eugene Holt, a federal prisoner being held on charges at the ...
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- Settlement in Class-Action Suit Against CCA Modified After PLN Unseals Court Documents, by Alex Friedmann
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- $2.4 Million Settlement in Children’s Death Caused by California Jail Guard’s Driving
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- Federal Jury Awards $5 Million for Wrongful Conviction Involving Houston Crime Lab, by Matthew Clarke
- Seventh Circuit Upholds $9,063,000 Award to Illinois Ex-Prisoner Exonerated by DNA, by Brandon Sample
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- PLN Sues Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Over Censorship; Court Upholds Rights of Book Distributors, by Alex Friedmann
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- Second Circuit Establishes Anonymous Pleading Standards
- Fifth Circuit Reinstates Texas Prisoner’s Failure-to-Protect Suit, by Matthew Clarke
- Reversal of Summary Judgment to BOP Doctor Accused of Deliberate Indifference, by Brandon Sample
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