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$5,000 Settlement in DC Prisoner’s Assault with Weapon

The District of Columbia (DC) paid $5,000 to settle the negligence suit of prisoner James Carson for injuries he sustained by the assault of another prisoner.

While at DC’s Central Facility on November 11, 2000, Carson was struck by another prisoner with a metal object. He suffered a fractured jaw and swollen eye. The complaint details 22 assaults with weapons resulting in six deaths at DC Department of Corrections facilities between 1995 and 1999.

The negligence claims are based on failure to control contraband, supervise prisoners, overcrowding, and failure to train and supervise staff.

Carson accepted settlement on August 16, 2002. He was represented by Washington DC attorney Geoffrey D. Allen. See: Carson v. District of Columbia, Superior Court, District of Columbia, Case No. 01-1448.

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Carson v. District of Columbia