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Massachusetts: Wrongful Conviction Suit Settled for $3.25 Million
Loaded on March 15, 2011
published in Prison Legal News
March, 2011, page 33
The City of Boston has agreed to pay $3.25 million to settle a lawsuit filed by a man who was wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 18 years for a series of rapes he did not commit.
Filed under:
Police Misconduct,
DNA Testing/Samples,
Wrongful Conviction.
Ulysses Charles was convicted in 1984 of raping three women at an apartment complex ...
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- Safety Concerns of a Prisoner Rights Lawyer
- Second Circuit: New York’s Persistent Felony Offender Statute Held Constitutional in En Banc Ruling, by Matthew Clarke
- Federal BOP’s Exclusions from Early Release Incentive for Substance Abuse Program Completion Struck Down
- U.S. Supreme Court Upholds $625,000 Judgment for Female Prisoner Molested by Ohio Prison Guard, by John Dannenberg
- Sixth Circuit Holds Pre-1992 Michigan Lifers Not Entitled to Ex Post Facto Relief
- California Prison System Lays Off Teachers, Vocational Instructors, by Michael Brodheim
- Virginia Federal Court Invalidates DOC Ban on Sexually Explicit Books, by David Reutter
- State Inspections Compel Changes at Abusive Michigan Juvenile Facility, by David Reutter
- Report Faults Private Prison Company for Deadly Arizona Prison Break, by Matthew Clarke
- Have a Cell Phone in Your Rectum? Body Cavity Searches OK’d in First Circuit, but Surgical Searches Are Not, by Brandon Sample
- Probation May Not Be Conditioned On Overly Broad Court Access Restrictions
- Social Security Audit Criticizes Prisoners’ Access to Personal Data; Federal Legislation Passed, by Matthew Clarke
- Georgia Eases Sex Offender Restrictions in Face of Federal Court Challenge
- Kentucky Jail Guards’ Convictions Affirmed in Sexual Abuse of Young Prisoner, by David Reutter
- Prison Health Services Doctors Caught in Scandals
- Prisoner Labor Used to Clean Up BP Oil Spill, by Matthew Clarke
- Former Orange County Jail Detainee Paid $750,000 to Settle Guard Tasering Suit
- Massachusetts: Wrongful Conviction Suit Settled for $3.25 Million
- Class Action Certified in California Federal Civil Rights Suit Against TransCor
- Towns Defaulting on Prison and Jail Bonds, by Matthew Clarke
- $100,000 Settlement in Nebraska Jail Prisoner Suicide Suit
- Florida: Cost Savings and Benefits of Prison Privatization Non-Existent, by David Reutter
- PLN and HRDC Win Consent Judgment Against Louisiana Sheriff in Censorship Case
- Tennessee: Private Prison Guards Considered “Public Servants”
- Texas Audits Private Prison and Substance Abuse Treatment Contract Monitoring, by Matthew Clarke
- Short-Lived Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Global Tel*Link in California, Then Secretly Settled, by Michael Brodheim
- Kentucky Guards Sentenced to Federal Prison in Detainee Abuse Prosecution
- U.S. Supreme Court: No Federal Habeas Relief for California Lifer Parole Denials, by John Dannenberg
- Ohio Governor Spares Death Row Prisoner, Cites Problems with Evidence, by Derek Gilna
- $373,000 Settlement in New York City Juvenile Facility “Building Tenders” Suit, by Brandon Sample
- Disgraced Doctor Good Enough for Texas Prisoners, by Matthew Clarke
- New Mexico Corrections Secretary Lets Private Prison Firms Skate on Understaffing, Forgoes $18.6 Million in Fines, by Matthew Clarke
- California Prison Officials Pay $10,000 to Settle Prisoner’s Retaliation, Conditions Suit
- BOP’s Furlough Notification Policy Not to be Addressed for Seven Years, by Derek Gilna
- Continuing Violation Doctrine Applies to Deliberate Indifference in New York
- Fifth Circuit Holds Texas Parole Revocation Witness Denial Violates Due Process
- Terminally Ill Maryland Prisoner May Refuse Treatment; State’s Highest Court Denies Forced Treatment, by Mark Wilson
- Dismissal for Failure to Effect Service Reversed in Florida Failure to Protect Suit
- Iowa Supreme Court Holds Inmate Assault Statute Only Requires Bodily Fluids from Another for Conviction
- Second Circuit Holds Costs May be Denied to Prevailing Party on Appeal
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- Ninth Circuit Rules Prisoners Not Required to Include Legal Theories in Grievances
- Wisconsin Civil Commitment Patients Denied Minimum Wage
- North Carolina Prisoner Prevails in Claim Related to Paruresis, AKA “Shy Bladder”
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