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New York: $12,500 Settlement Reached in Youth Center Abuse Suit

A $12,500 settlement was reached in a negligence claim alleging abuse at a New York juvenile facility. Prisoner Shonta Ranesha Jackson was incarcerated at the Tryon Residential Youth Center on March 2, 2006 when she was assaulted by two guards.
Guards Evans and Ronald Rodriguez physically subdued Jackson, dragged her across the floor and slammed her head into a wall.

During the incident, Jackson complained of breathing problems and injuries, but was told to “shut up.” She also repeatedly requested medical treatment for cuts on her face, bruising around her eye and injuries to her left eye. She was denied care, only being seen by the center’s resident nurse. She filed suit on March 24, 2008.

The settlement awarded Jackson $12,500. She was represented by attorney Elmer Keach III of Amsterdam, New York. See: Jackson v. New York, State of New York Court of Claims. UID No: 2010-042-530, Claim No. 115017.

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