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PLN Settles Censorship Suit Against South Carolina Jail; County Agrees to Pay $599,900 and Change Policies
Loaded on Feb. 15, 2012
published in Prison Legal News
February, 2012, page 14
On January 10, 2012, Prison Legal News settled a First Amendment censorship suit against the Sheriff’s Office for Berkeley County, South Carolina.
Filed under:
Federal Statutory Law,
Mail Regulations,
PLN Litigation,
Religious Property.
South Carolina.
The settlement includes changes at the Berkeley County Detention Center (BCDC) related to the receipt of publications and religious materials by jail prisoners, as well as the payment ...
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- Alaskan Private Prison Promoter Arrested in Mexico, Extradited to U.S. on Child Sexual Abuse Charges
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- Fight Brewing Between County Jails and Private Prisons in Kentucky
- Oregon Discontinues Failed Prisoner Deportation Program
- Rikers Island Guards File Suit Alleging Cancer-Causing Toxin Exposure, by Mark Wilson
- Private Equity Firms Profit Handsomely from Prison Phone Services
- Mother Questions Her Son’s “Natural” Death in Colorado CCA Prison, by Alan Prendergast
- Head of Missouri Jail Sentenced for Beating, Arranging Attacks on Prisoners
- CDCR Pays $12,000 to Settle California Prisoner’s Pro Se Caging Suit
- Settlement in New York City Jail Mental Health Services Case Still Alive
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- Washington DOC Employee Faces Ethics Complaint for Running Non-Profits on State Time Using State Resources, by Matthew Clarke
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- BOP Settles Prisoner Rape Suit for $625,000, by Brandon Sample
- Videotaped Assault at Idaho CCA Prison Sparks FBI Investigation, by Mark Wilson
- Texas Towns Saddled with Empty, Expensive Privatized Prisons and Jails, by Matthew Clarke
- Homeless New Mexico Sex Offender Arrested for Moving Out of Dumpster
- Massachusetts: Guards Suspended, Accused of Threatening to Kill Escaped Prisoner in Scheme to Generate Overtime
- FBI Looks into Relationship between GEO Group and Former Florida House Speaker, by David Reutter
- Federal Probation Officer Sexually Abused Clients, Sentenced to Ten Years, by Mark Wilson
- Prison Phone Rates Under Scrutiny by Louisiana Regulatory Agency
- New Mexico Continues to Let Understaffed Private Prisons Slide on Most Contract Violations, by Matthew Clarke
- Agreement Between Florida DOC and DOT Steals 1,000 Freeworld Jobs, by David Reutter
- Washington Prisoner Killed During Prison Industries Escape Attempt
- Oregon’s Attorney General Accused of Botched, Abusive Prosecutions, by Mark Wilson
- California Pays $10,000 to Settle Sex Abuse Suit Brought by Transgender Prisoner
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- Ninth Circuit Applies Turner Test to Evaluate First Amendment Interest in Prisoners’ Receipt of Unsolicited Publications, by Michael Brodheim
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- Former Oregon Prison Official Faces Ethics Probe
- Study Reports on Undiagnosed HIV Infections in New York City Jails, by Matthew Clarke
- Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Rules Against Parole Board on Imposition of Sex Offender Restrictions on Non-Sex Offenders, by Matthew Clarke
- Colorado Prison Murder Prosecutions Include Coerced Witnesses, Withholding of Evidence
- California: Prison Visitor Settles Slip-and-Fall Suit for $175,000
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