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FBI Loses Prisoner’s Property but Sovereign Immunity Foils Recovery
On May 29, 2012, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals barred Galo Alejandro Ordonez from compensation after the FBI and the federal government acknowledged that property that had been previously seized from him and ordered returned was “presumed to be lost or destroyed.” The appellate court held the government had ...
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- LaSalle Corrections: A Family-Run Prison Firm, by Matthew Clarke
- Tenth Circuit: Terrorism Prisoners Lack Liberty Interest in Transfer to ADX, by Derek Gilna
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- The Battle to Open Prisons to Journalists, by Jessica Pupovac
- Two Companies Acknowledge Exporting U.S. Prisoner-Made Goods to Canada, by David Reutter
- Reintroducing the Private Prison Information Act: An Interview, by Mel Motel
- GAO Examines How BOP Can Reduce Prisoners’ Time in Prison, by Derek Gilna
- In Memory of Jon E. Yount (1938-2012), by Peter Wagner
- Supreme Court Extends Qualified Immunity to Private Attorney
- U.S. Imprisons the Most Women, Tops International List
- Supreme Court Adopts Strickland Prejudice Standard for Rejected Plea Bargains, by Derek Gilna
- NY Federal Judge Deals Rare SHU Placement Defeat to BOP, by Derek Gilna
- Oregon Jail Guard Convicted of Assaulting Prisoner, Gets 30 Days in Jail
- Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Sets Aside Convictions Based on Actual Innocence, by Matthew Clarke
- The Collapse of American Criminal Justice, by William J. Stuntz (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011). 432 pages, $35.00, by Derek Gilna
- Illinois: Current Insurer Must Pay Wrongful Conviction Award after Exoneration
- Pay-to-Stay Jail Programs Growing
- Nevada DOC Audit: Doctors Work 5 Hours, Get Paid for 10
- Idaho Supreme Court Affirms Firing of PHS Medical Director
- Oregon Prosecutor’s Son Escapes Mandatory Prison Time for Sexual Assault
- Life After Murder: Five Men in Search of Redemption, by Nancy Mullane (Public Affairs Books, 2012). 384 pages, $26.99 (hard-cover), by John Dannenberg
- Former California Prison Guard Resentenced Following Assault Conviction
- Texas Supreme Court Rules Compensation Required in Schlup-type Innocence Cases, by Matthew Clarke
- FBI Loses Prisoner’s Property but Sovereign Immunity Foils Recovery, by Derek Gilna
- Supreme Court: No Bivens Actions for Federal Prisoners in Private Prison, by Matthew Clarke
- Pregnant Woman Suffers Needless Death in Oklahoma Jail, by Matthew Clarke
- Seventh Circuit Approves Illinois Prison’s Rejection of PDR and Drug Guide
- Alabama Law Meant to Ensure Transparency in Judicial Elections Not Enforced for 16 Years, by Derek Gilna
- Idaho DOC Settles 30-year-old Class-action Lawsuit
- New York Jail Profits from TV Ads, by Joe Watson
- Federal Prison Industries Contract Leads to Freeworld Job Losses
- California: Denial of Kosher Diet to Messianic Jew Violates RLUIPA
- New Hampshire: $450,000 Settlement in Suit Over Prisoner’s Opiate Detoxification Death
- Ohio Supreme Court Sides with Defendant in Sex Offender Registration Case, by Derek Gilna
- FCC Finally Moves on Wright Petition After Almost a Decade of Inaction
- TASER Liability Verdict Upheld, but Remittitur Granted
- New York Court Limits Costs to $.25 per Page for Prison Medical Records Requests
- Johnny Cash and His Prison Reform Campaign, by Danny Robins
- News in Brief
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- California State Auditor’s Report Faults Counties for Waste and Poor Oversight of State Funds Used in “Public Safety Realignment”, Sept. 1, 2021
- The Fight Over Cellphones in Prisons Rages On, Sept. 1, 2021
- District Court Extends Armstrong Order to Five Additional California Prisons, Sept. 1, 2021
- HRDC Settles Censorship Lawsuit with Johnson County, Kansas Jail for $50,000 and Policy Changes, Aug. 1, 2021
- Virginia Prosecutors to Dismiss 400 Drug Convictions Tied to Disgraced Cop, July 15, 2021
- Discredited New York Police Detective’s False Testimony Causes the Dismissal of Close to 100 Drug Convictions, June 15, 2021
- D.C. Department of Forensic Sciences Firearms Examination Unit Under Fire, April 15, 2021
- Mississippi Joins Illinois and Few Other States Prioritizing Vaccination of State Prisoners to Slow Spread of COVID-19, April 1, 2021
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- Pennsylvania County Forgives $65 Million in Jail Pay-to-Stay Fees, March 1, 2025. Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Booking Fees.
- BOP Eases Money Grab from Federal Prisoners, Feb. 15, 2025. Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Restitution, Commissary, Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Changes by the BOP.
- Washington Spends Only Fraction of Fund to Improve Prisoner Welfare, Feb. 15, 2025. Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Kickback Scheme, Securus.
- Louisiana Prisoner Charged With Running Sports Gambling Operation, Feb. 15, 2025. Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Gambling Crimes, Tainted Funds.
- California Court of Appeal Announces Defendants May Obtain Brady Evidence From Police Officers’ Personnel Files in Advance of § 1172.6 Hearing Requesting Vacatur of Conviction and Resentencing for Certain Types of Murder Convictions, Feb. 15, 2025. Disclosure of Records, Police, Brady Violations, Murder/Felony Murder, Resentencing, Prior Conviction/Sentence/Incarceration, Evidence - Admissibility.
- Chicago’s Police Body Cam Transparency, Feb. 1, 2025. Videotaping, Police, Police State-Surveillance.
- “Locked In, Priced Out”: Markups and Kickbacks in Prison Commissaries, Jan. 15, 2025. Food/Commissary (Private Prisons), Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Commissary.
- Georgia Prisoner Accused of Running $3.5 Million “Protection” Racket, Jan. 15, 2025. Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Threats.
- Details Vague on Spending from San Diego Jail Detainee Welfare Fund, Jan. 15, 2025. Food/Commissary (Private Prisons), Jail Misconduct, Seizure of Prisoner Funds, Commissary, Federal Funds.