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Book Review: Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America
Loaded on Nov. 15, 2013
by Christopher Zoukis
published in Prison Legal News
November, 2013, page 36
by Allen M. Hornblum, Judith L. Newman
Filed under:
Medical Experiments/Exploitation.
United States of America.
and Gregory J. Dober
(Palgrave MacMillan, 2013). 266 pages. $27.00
Book review by Christopher Zoukis
According to Oswald Spengler, writing in The Decline of the West, “Moral is a conscious and planned causality of conduct, apart from all particulars of actual life and ...
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- China Vows to Finance Incarceration with Public Funds, Not Prison Profits
- Oregon Considers Subsidizing Prison Medical Costs Through Medicaid
- PLN Challenges Postcard-only Policy at Tennessee Jail
- Federal Justice Grants Favor Prosecution, Law Enforcement Over Indigent Defense
- Texas Prison Population Drops but Savings Evaporate, by Matthew Clarke
- Federal Prisoners Paid During Government Shutdown, but Not Prison Guards, by Derek Gilna
- Minnesota Judge Condemns System that Jails Mentally Ill
- GEO Group Pulls out of Mississippi Prisons, by David Reutter
- Gun Found in Segregation Cell at Privately-operated Mississippi Prison
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- Book Review: Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America, by Christopher Zoukis
- Prisoners in Texas Jail Providing Less Slave Labor
- Second Circuit: Bankruptcy Automatic Stay is No Excuse for Non-payment of Restitution, by Derek Gilna
- Third Circuit Reverses More Stringent Conditions of Supervised Release, by Derek Gilna
- Best Criminal Defense Pleading Ever!, by Alex Friedmann
- Connecticut Supreme Court Reverses FOIA Disclosure of NCIC Printout
- California: No-Gang-Contact Probation Condition Struck Down
- Four West Virginia Officials, including Circuit Court Judge, Face Federal Charges, by Christopher Zoukis
- Ninth Circuit: Adam Walsh Detention Doesn’t Toll Term of Supervised Release, by Derek Gilna
- Eighth Circuit Upholds North Dakota Transient’s Failure-to-Register Conviction
- U.S. Department of Justice Reports Statistics on State Prosecutors, by Matthew Clarke
- California: Enhanced Presentence Conduct Credits Not Available to Defendants Who Committed Crimes Before Statute’s Effective Date
- Philippines Prison Suspends Thriller Dancers
- California: State Not Liable for Failure to Provide Needed Treatment so Long as Medical Care is Summoned
- ICE Directive May Limit Solitary Confinement of Immigrant Detainees, by Derek Gilna
- Denial of Contraceptive Pill to Prisoner States Cause of Action
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- Montana Jail Fresh Air/Exercise Lawsuit Certified as Class Action, Then Settles
- D.C. Circuit Clears Terrorism Suspect after 11-Year Ordeal, by Derek Gilna
- Audit Reveals Federal Prison Industries Faces Declining Revenue, Job Losses, by Derek Gilna
- Fifth Circuit: No Right to RDAP for Non-citizen Federal Prisoner
- Prison Sentence Imposed for Sole Purpose of Drug Treatment Vacated by Eighth Circuit, by Derek Gilna
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- News in Brief
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