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Sentence Reductions for “Snitching” Undermine U.S. Justice System
Sentence Reductions for “Snitching” Undermine U.S. Justice System
by Derek Gilna
Imagine this scenario: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents bust a small-time drug dealer for, let’s say, nickel-and-diming in heroin. They take him to booking, run his fingerprints and discover this is his third arrest. As a multiple offender facing ...
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- Fourth Circuit Finds PLRA Attorney Fee Cap Constitutional, by David Reutter
- Eighth Circuit Holds No SORNA Registration Requirement after Leaving U.S., by Matthew Clarke
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- First Circuit Dismisses Appeal of Court’s Failure to Sanction Federal Prosecutor, by Matthew Clarke
- Eighth Circuit Upholds Injunction Over Cameras in Restrooms at Civil Commitment Center, by Matthew Clarke
- Former New Mexico State Senator Released from Prison
- Transferred Prisoner May Sue Oklahoma Officials in Oregon Court, by Mark Wilson
- Eleventh Circuit Tailors Turner for Censorship Claims at Civil Commitment Center, by David Reutter
- Seventh Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Suit Over Placement on Suicide Watch, by Matthew Clarke
- Alabama Work Release Transportation, Medical and Drug Screen Costs Not “Incidental to Confinement”, by David Reutter
- Fifth Circuit: Prisoner Who was Raped May Proceed with Lawsuit against Lock Company, by Matthew Clarke
- Massachusetts: Acquittal on Additional Sex Offense Doesn’t Trigger Reevaluation of Sex Offender Classification, by Matthew Clarke
- BOP Criticized for Failing to Oversee Healthcare Administrator at FCC Butner, by Derek Gilna
- New Report Cites Fewer HIV-Positive State and Federal Prisoners, by Matthew Clarke
- Selection and Retention Process for Tennessee Appellate Court Judges Challenged, by Christopher McWhorter
- Sentence Reductions for “Snitching” Undermine U.S. Justice System, by Derek Gilna
- Settlement Opens Georgia Courtrooms to the Public, by David Reutter
- Do Residency Bans Drive Sex Offenders Underground?, by Steven Yoder
- CCA Has Long History of Wage Violations, Poor Treatment of Employees
- Private Debt Collection Companies Contract with District Attorney’s Offices, by David Reutter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Texas: Unconstitutional to Revoke Probation Due to Refusal to Self-Incriminate During Polygraph or Therapy, by Matthew Clarke
- News in Brief
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