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California: Jail’s Unsolicited Publication Distribution Ban Upheld
Loaded on Sept. 2, 2016
by Mark Wilson
published in Prison Legal News
September, 2016, page 34
Filed under:
Jail Misconduct,
Jail Specific,
Mail Regulations,
First Amendment.
A California federal district court held in May 2015 that jail officials did not violate the First Amendment by refusing to distribute unsolicited publications to prisoners.
Crime, Justice & America, Inc. (CJA), founded by former bail bondsman Ray Hrdlicka, publishes a weekly 36- to 40-page magazine of the same name ...
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- Third Circuit Reverses Dismissal of New Jersey Prisoner’s Suit
- Securus Settles Lawsuit Alleging Improper Recording of Privileged Prisoner Calls
- $81,200 for North Carolina Prisoner’s Estate in Breach of Duty Suit
- Prison and Jail Officials Face New Challenge: Drones Used to Smuggle Contraband, by Lonnie Burton
- Termination of Consent Decree at Mississippi Prison Denied; Facility to Close, by David Reutter
- Fourth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Virginia Prisoner’s Religious Freedom Suit
- Taxpayer-funded Drug Rehab Empire Collapses under Lawsuits, Indictments, by Joe Watson
- Untreated Intoxication Death at Massachusetts Jail Results in $232,500 Settlement
- Condoms Now Available to Prisoners in Three States, by Joe Watson
- Prisoner’s Healthy Kidney Erroneously Removed; Surgeon Receives Probation, by David Reutter
- Correctional Medical Care Illegally Practiced Medicine in New York, by David Reutter
- Advanced Correctional Healthcare’s Business Model Blamed for Prisoner Deaths, Injuries
- New York City’s Rikers Island Jail Agrees to Federal Consent Decree, Reforms, by Derek Gilna
- Death Penalty Case Reveals Morgue Worker Had Sex with 100 Female Corpses
- Oregon DOC Sees Spike in Gang-related Murders, by Mark Wilson
- Oklahoma DOC Creates “Dream Team” for Botched Executions with Hires from Arizona, by Joe Watson
- A Victory in the Fight to Stop Prisoner Rape
- Judge Denies Motion to Nullify Orleans Parish Prison Health Care Contract, by David Reutter
- Despite Initial Approval, Belgian Prisoner Denied Euthanasia, by Derek Gilna
- Registered Sex Offenders Fall Victim to “Vigilante Justice”
- Women and Children First ... to be Held in Detention, by Joe Watson
- Family Connections Bill Signed into Law in Illinois, by Carrie Wilkinson
- Outcomes of California’s Proposition 47, by Joe Watson
- Private Prison Firms: Family Detention, Federal Contracts and For-profit Reentry Services, by Bob Libal
- Suicides Plague North Carolina Prison System
- Sixth Circuit Holds PLRA’s Physical Injury Rule Inapplicable to First Amendment Claims
- Wrongfully-convicted Former Prisoner Receives $13.2 Million in FBI Hair Analysis Case, by Derek Gilna
- Michigan Courthouse Shooting Leaves 3 Dead, 2 Injured
- India’s Supreme Court Orders Prison and Jail Reforms, by Derek Gilna
- Louisiana Sheriff Faces Recall Petition, Federal Indictments
- Massachusetts Prisoners Involved in Reform Efforts Transferred, Held in Solitary, by Christopher Zoukis
- Mexico: Drug Cartel Used Prison to Dispose of Bodies
- Department of Justice Announces Plan to Phase Out For-profit Prisons
- Georgia Prosecutor Arrested for Political Ads; Had Previously Secured Indictment Against Judge
- California: Jail’s Unsolicited Publication Distribution Ban Upheld, by Mark Wilson
- Juvenile Sexual Assault Victims of Dr. William Ayres: The Forgotten Victims, by Victoria Balfour
- Allegheny County Reaches $2.09 Million Settlement for Prisoner’s Death
- The Fight for Comprehensive Prison Phone Reform Continues, by Carrie Wilkinson
- North Carolina Prisoners and Former Employees Describe “Boom-Boom Room”
- Navy Nurse Refuses to Force-feed Guantanamo Prisoners, by Derek Gilna
- Sexual Assault Victim Awarded $1.5 Million in Lawsuit against Illinois Prison Guard, by Christopher Zoukis
- Appeal Doesn’t Stay ODOC’s “Second Look” Release Plan Obligation, by Mark Wilson
- Obama Issues Another 214 Commutations for Federal Prisoners, by Derek Gilna
- Jail Prisoner’s Death Results in $1 Million Judgment against Texas County, by Matthew Clarke
- Mentally Ill Oregon Prisoner’s Wrongful Death Suit Settles for $7.4 Million, by Mark Wilson
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- News in Brief
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- Fourth Circuit Reinstates North Carolina Prisoner’s Suit, Finding Grievance Procedure Availability an Open Question, Oct. 15, 2023
- Congress Forces BOP to Upgrade Security Cameras, Sept. 15, 2023
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- Push to Digitize Rikers Island Mail Based on Faulty Drug Tests, Jan. 15, 2025. Drug Testing, Mail Regulations, Mail/Packages.
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- Minnesota Prisoners Getting Scanned Mail, Kept Waiting 18 Months for Tablets, Jan. 15, 2025. Mechanical Searches/Scanners, Mail Regulations, Emails.
- California Prisoner Awarded Over $1.26 Million in Suit Challenging Withheld Legal Mail Which Resulted in Habeas Loss, Jan. 15, 2025. Settlements, Habeas Corpus, Mail Regulations, Legal Mail.
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