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BOP Pays 7,500 Settlement at Retaliation Claim

The federal Bureau of Prisons paid $7,500 and agreed to not report the suspension of a guard who alleged reprisal in a discrimination complaint.

Lt. Norma Jean Vasquez alleged she was subject to retaliation for her previous participation in an “OIA investigation” as the main whistleblower on Lt. Moore “for manipulating the rosters, abandoning his post, and misappropriation of funds.”

Her complaint alleged a hostile work environment was created by Capt. Morin by improper evaluations and by calling Vasquez a liar.  Vasquez further asserted she did not receive credit for reducing overtime and that she was left off the “Foreign Language Speaking Staff List for FPC Pensacola,” which inhibited promotion opportunities.

Finally, she alleged she was “being rated on perpetual audits more harshly than other lieutenants.”

Vasquez filed her complaint on November 19, 2001, and a settlement was reached on June 3, 2003.  In addition to the $7,500 payment,  BOP said it “will not inform the reference checker” of Vasquez’s seven day suspension in 2002.  See: Vasquez v. Ashcroft, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC No. 150-A2-8431.

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Vasquez v. Ashcroft