$5,000 Settlement for Prison Interfering with California Prisoner's Mail
In November 2015, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) settled for $5,000 a federal civil rights action brought by CDCR prisoner Sherman Manning alleging interference with Manning's mail and retaliation for his publication of books critical of the CDCR.
Manning published 15 books and filed over 200 grievances while incarcerated at the California State Prison, Sacramento (CSP). He alleged that, beginning around October 1, 2008, CSP employee R. Wenker, guards Layton Johnson, R. Couch, A. Rails, and B. Humphries, Sets. J. Stratton and A. May, repeatedly stole his mail--including books, privileged media mail, privileged attorney correspondence and correspondence with public officials. May, Humphries, Rails, and Couch allegedly independently told him they were taking his mail, that it was in retaliation for his writing books and that he would suffer further retaliation if he did not cease his political and authorship activities. Manning was allegedly given bogus disciplinary write ups and threatened with being moved into a cell with a violent prisoner and having his parole delayed.
Attorney Robert Blasier helped Manning's case by filing a declaration explaining why he believed his correspondence with Manning was intercepted by guards who read it outside of Manning's presence. Carmichael attorney Jeff Kravitz represented Manning when the case was settled for $5,000. See: Manning v. Johnson, U.S.D.C.-E.D.Cal., Case No. 2:12-cv-02440-MCE-AC.
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Related legal case
Manning v. Johnson
Year | 2015 |
Cite | U.S.D.C.-E.D.Cal., Case No. 2:12-cv-02440-MCE-AC |
Level | District Court |
Conclusion | Settlement |