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Supreme Court Voids North Carolina Law Barring Sex Offenders from Facebook
by Derek Gilna
In a unanimous decision, on June 19, 2017 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a North Carolina statute that prohibits convicted sex offenders from accessing “a commercial social networking Web site where the sex offender knows that the site permits minor children to become members or to ...
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- Illinois Pays $450,000 to Prisoner Who was Raped, Punished for Reporting It, by Lonnie Burton
- Two Non-profit Foundations Provide Funding, Leadership for Criminal Justice Reform, by Matthew Clarke
- Illinois Prisoner Wins Federal Civil Rights Suit over Mail Censorship, by Derek Gilna
- Report Finds Federal Informants at Risk of Retaliation; Court Penalizes Informant for Trial Outcome, by Derek Gilna
- Louisiana Fires Eight Prison Guards; Federal Investigation is Pending
- Third Circuit Finds that Prisoners’ Verbal Grievances are Constitutionally Protected, by Christopher Zoukis
- Prison Phone Update: Appellate Court Deals Major Blow to Prisoners and Their Families, by Carrie Wilkinson
- Supreme Court Voids North Carolina Law Barring Sex Offenders from Facebook, by Derek Gilna
- Seventh Circuit Reinstates Illinois Prisoner’s Religious Rights Suit, by Lonnie Burton
- Seventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Civil Rights Suit against Cook County Jail, by Derek Gilna
- Texas Judges Jail Defendants too Poor to Pay Fines, Debts, by Matthew Clarke
- Local Sex Offender Residency Restrictions Challenged in Texas, by Matthew Clarke
- Former Michigan Prisoner Claims Sewage Spill Linked to Hepatitis C, by Panagioti Tsolkas
- “Beat Up Squad” at New York Prison Accused of Killing Mentally Ill Prisoner, by Joe Watson
- Summary Judgment in Favor of Alabama Prison Officials Reversed; Writ of Mandamus Denied, by Christopher Zoukis
- New York: Disciplinary Segregation Settlement Finalized; $1.6 Million in Attorney Fees Awarded, by Matthew Clarke
- Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Ethics Board Fines Former Prisons Commissioner
- Dismissal of Mississippi Prisoner’s Suit Over Grievance Retaliation Upheld
- Illinois High Court Upholds Sex Offender Requirements Struck Down in Other States, by Lonnie Burton
- Iowa: Lawsuit Against Halfway House Over Attack by Resident Dismissed, by Christopher Zoukis
- Eighth Circuit Declines to Block Subpoena Requiring Missouri to Disclose Identities of Execution Drug Suppliers, by Lonnie Burton
- New York State Attorney General Settles Suit Against Jail’s Medical Provider, by Derek Gilna
- Seventh Circuit: Prison Doctor Not Entitled to Summary Judgment on Deliberate Indifference Claim, by Lonnie Burton
- Continued Failure in Privatized Medical Care at Kentucky Jails, by David Reutter
- George Soros’ Quiet Overhaul of the U.S. Justice System, by Scott Bland
- Illinois Supreme Court: No Appointed State Expert in SDPA Recovery Proceeding
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- Seventh Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Suit Over Denial of Ramadan Meals; $3,600 Settlement, by Matthew Clarke
- Michigan Jail Sanctioned for Denying Access to Paralegals, by Derek Gilna
- Landmark Settlement in Lawsuit Challenging Solitary Confinement in Delaware, by Christopher Zoukis
- San Diego County Settles Prisoner Overdose Death for $2.3 Million, by Derek Gilna
- Texas Forensic Science Commission Addresses Problem with DNA Testing Protocols, by Matthew Clarke
- Seventh Circuit Affirms Summary Judgment to Defendants in Prisoner’s Wrongful Death Case, by Lonnie Burton
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- Washington State Leads the Nation in Jailing Juvenile Status Offenders
- “Deal with the Devil” Turning on Mississippi Counties, by David Reutter
- Texas Fraud Prosecutions Privately Funded by Insurance Company, by Matthew Clarke
- New York DOCCS Has Paid $10 Million to Prisoners Beaten by Guards Over Five-year Period, by Joe Watson
- Report Finds Substandard Medical Care in ICE Facilities, by Derek Gilna
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Eighth Circuit: No Speedy Trial Rights for Prisoner Placed in Administrative Segregation, by Christopher Zoukis
- News in Brief
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- HRDC Settles Censorship Lawsuit with Johnson County, Kansas Jail for $50,000 and Policy Changes, Aug. 1, 2021
- Virginia Prosecutors to Dismiss 400 Drug Convictions Tied to Disgraced Cop, July 15, 2021
- Discredited New York Police Detective’s False Testimony Causes the Dismissal of Close to 100 Drug Convictions, June 15, 2021
- D.C. Department of Forensic Sciences Firearms Examination Unit Under Fire, April 15, 2021
- Mississippi Joins Illinois and Few Other States Prioritizing Vaccination of State Prisoners to Slow Spread of COVID-19, April 1, 2021
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