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Wealthy? Upgrade to a First Class Criminal Justice Experience!
by Christopher Zoukis
They say money can’t buy happiness, and more money just leads to more problems. But when it comes to the criminal justice system, wealth can get an accused murderer out on bail, a celebrity a great plea deal and a sex offender an upgraded jail stay.
The ...
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- Missouri Sheriff Who Vowed to Clean Up Crime Faces Criminal Charges, Lawsuits, by R. Bailey
- Florida Private Prisons Seek $4 Million for Employee Raises, by David Reutter
- New York Federal District Court Allows Prisoner’s § 1983 Action to Proceed, by Derek Gilna
- Pro Se Prisoner Demonstrated Need for Recruitment of Counsel
- Report: Homelessness and Housing Insecurity are Hurdles for Former Prisoners, by Derek Gilna
- Garnishment Action in Federal Court to Collect Jury Award was Improper
- Federal Prisons Use Nurses and Cooks as Guards While Officials Push to Fill Private Prisons, by Christopher Zoukis
- Michigan Prisoner Awarded $16,500 for Guard’s Assault and Cover-up
- Florida: Suit Continues Against CoreCivic for Rape of Developmentally Disabled Child, by Monte McCoin
- Brookings Institute Study Finds Direct Connection between Poverty and Crime Rates, by Derek Gilna
- Family of Wrongfully Convicted Missouri Prisoner Receives $14 Million, by Kevin Bliss
- Ninth Circuit Reverses Summary Judgment in Favor of Jail Where Three Detainees Died, by Christopher Zoukis
- Sentenced to Prison Slavery, by Kevin Bliss
- Experts Call for Improvements in Prisoner Dental Care, by Christopher Zoukis
- Amid Scandal, Missouri Governor Issues Commutations and Pardons, Passes New Laws Before Resigning, by Dale Chappell
- Land Swap Seeks to Reinstate Construction of New Jail in Detroit
- Correct Care Solutions Redux: Poor Medical Care Leads to More Deaths, Lawsuits, by Edward Lyon
- BJS Report Finds Prisoner Sexual Abuse Allegations Continue to Rise, by Kevin Bliss
- Dismissal of Pro Se Prisoner’s Sexual Assault, Excessive Force Case Reversed, by Kevin Bliss
- Prison Systems Solve Bed Space Problems by Using Out-of-State Facilities, by Christopher Zoukis
- Long-Term Segregation Can Establish Imminent Danger of Serious Physical Injury for PLRA Purposes, by Christopher Zoukis
- Wealthy? Upgrade to a First Class Criminal Justice Experience!, by Christopher Zoukis
- Mentally Ill Wisconsin Prisoners Held in Solitary Improperly Reclassified, by Edward Lyon
- New York City Council Passes Ordinance to Make All Jail Phone Calls Free, by Derek Gilna
- Federal Judge Orders Washington Prison Officials to Properly Feed Ramadan Participants, by Christopher Zoukis
- Under “In-House Parole,” New Mexico Prisoners Remain in Prison, by Edward Lyon
- Former Prisoner, Jailhouse Lawyer Mujahid Farid Has Died, by Laura Whitehorn
- Military-Style Attack on Brazilian Prison Kills 20 Prisoners, One Guard, by Monte McCoin
- Report on Capital Punishment in Pennsylvania Released; Moratorium Continues, by Kevin Bliss
- Suicides Increasing in Massachusetts Prisons and Jails
- Ohio Prison Officials Announce Measures to Prevent Another Transport Bus Murder, by Matthew Clarke
- Louisiana’s Rejection of $3.5 Million Prison Tracking Software to be Reconsidered, by R. Bailey
- $17 Million Payout for Yet Another Wrongful Conviction in Chicago, by Christopher Zoukis
- Alabama Prisoner in Failed Execution Attempt will Not Face Another, by David Reutter
- Multiple Charges, Lawsuits Filed Against Lackawanna Prison Staff for Sexual Abuse, by Kevin Bliss
- Tenth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Gang Member’s Failure-to-Protect Lawsuit, by Matthew Clarke
- Indiana Prisoner Obtains $85,000 Settlement After Being Beaten and Tased, by Edward Lyon
- Violent Incidents Follow Settlement to End Dangerous Conditions at Alabama Prison
- Ex-Washington Prison Superintendent Under Investigation for Misuse of Funds, by Dale Chappell
- Angola Closes its Notorious Camp J, “A Microcosm of a Lot of Things That are Wrong”, by Grace Toohey
- New Jersey Federal Court Certifies Class-Action Suit Against Global*Tel Link, by Derek Gilna
- Lawsuit by Washington AG Against GEO Group for Wage Violations Proceeds, Granted Class-Action Status, by Christopher Zoukis
- Defy Ventures Founder Steps Down Amid Accusations of Misconduct, by Christopher Zoukis
- Former Jailhouse Lawyer Bobby Battle Dies at Age 80, by Monte McCoin
- Florida District Court Allows Suit Against Prisoner Transport Companies to Proceed, by Dale Chappell
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Florida Detainee Died from Deliberate Indifference to Septic Shock, Lawsuit Charges
- PLN Files Cert Petition with Supreme Court Over Florida DOC Censorship, by Steve Horn
- News in Brief
- Censorship in Prisons and Jails: A War on the Written Word, by Christopher Zoukis
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- The Contraband Wars Prison authorities target books and mail, miss the goods coming through the staff door, July 1, 2021
- Trump v. Biden on Criminal Justice, Oct. 1, 2020
- Coronavirus in Prison: The Cruel Reality, Aug. 1, 2020
- With Lives of Immigrant Detainees at Risk to COVID-19, Federal Judge Forces ICE’s Hand, July 1, 2020
- A Nation on the Brink, June 15, 2020
- Federal Court Slams Michigan Jail for Bungling COVID-19 Pandemic, Demands Names of Vulnerable Prisoners for Release, June 1, 2020
- Silence: The Bureau of Prisons’ Pathetic Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, June 1, 2020
- New York Judge Orders Release of 18 Rikers Island Detainees Due to COVID-19 Risk, June 1, 2020
- Coronavirus: A Nationwide Survey of the Push for Early Release as Pandemic Fears Grow, May 1, 2020
- California Three-Judge Court Denies Emergency Motion to Reduce Prison Population During Pandemic, May 1, 2020
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