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Co-pays Deter Prisoners from Accessing Medical Care
Loaded on Jan. 31, 2018
by Christopher Zoukis
published in Prison Legal News
February, 2018, page 34
by Christopher Zoukis
More than four decades have passed since Estelle v. Gamble, the 1976 U.S. Supreme Court ruling which held prisoners cannot be denied necessary medical care under the Eighth Amendment. But when cash-strapped state Departments of Corrections charge co-pays for health care provided to sick prisoners – who ...
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- Texas: Federal Court Grants Injunction Against Discriminatory Money Bail System, by Derek Gilna
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- Co-pays Deter Prisoners from Accessing Medical Care, by Christopher Zoukis
- Pennsylvania: $20,000 Settlement for Prisoner’s ADA Claim
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- HRDC Files Class-action Suit Over CDCR Debit Release Cards, by Derek Gilna
- Kentucky County Jail Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for $75,000, by Derek Gilna
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Sexual Harassment Lawsuits, Settlements Rock Missouri Department of Corrections, by Derek Gilna
- News in Brief
- Prison Broke: The Missouri Department of Corrections Can’t Escape its Own Worst Habits, by Karen Dillon
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