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Kentucky Jail Rents Texting Devices to Prisoners
by Scott Grammer
The Noble County jail in Albion, Kentucky has found a new way to make money – by renting texting devices to prisoners. For $4.00 a month plus $0.10 per text, prisoners can send and receive monitored messages. The $0.10 fee applies to incoming texts, too. Most people ...
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More from this issue:
- News in Brief
- California County Jail, Private Medical Provider to Pay $825,000 for Prisoner’s Death, by Chad Marks
- $100,000 Withheld from Washington Jail for Failure to Fully Implement Ban on Juvenile Solitary Confinement, by Chad Marks
- Kentucky Jail Rents Texting Devices to Prisoners, by Scott Grammer
- Cook County Commissioners Approve $1.5 Million Settlement for Jail Beating, by Chad Marks
- Tennessee Adopts Alternative Sentencing for Primary Caregivers of Minor Children, by Edward Lyon
- Oklahoma County Settles Lawsuit Over Jail Prisoner’s Suicide for $350,000, by Matthew Clarke
- Former BOP Official Pays $50,000 to Settle Anti-Kickback Claims, by Scott Grammer
- $500,000 Settlement in Lawsuit Over Alcohol Withdrawal Death of Indiana Jail Prisoner, by Matthew Clarke
- President Trump Pardons Conservative Political Allies, by Douglas Ankney
- $50,000 for Missouri Jail Prisoner Who Suffered Injuries Caused by Broken Plumbing, by Edward Lyon
- Ninth Circuit Rejects Lawsuit by California Prisoners Over Exposure to Valley Fever, by Chad Marks
- Federal Court Caps Attorney Fees in Suit Over Teen Girl Raped in Oklahoma Jail, by Matthew Clarke
- Tennessee Prisoners File Lawsuit Challenging Video Visitation Policy at County Jail, by Chad Marks
- Increasing Number of Walkaways from California Early-Release Programs, by Edward Lyon
- Allegation that Prisoner was Beaten after Guard Outed Him as Sex Offender Stated Eighth Amendment Claim, by Douglas Ankney
- Thomas Silverstein, America’s Most Isolated Prisoner, Dies at Age 67, by Matthew Clarke
- Death Rate of Prisoners in Michigan Much Higher than Reported, by Kevin W. Bliss
- $185,000 Settlement in Beating of Florida Jail Prisoner; Guard Convicted, by David M. Reutter
- UK Using Facial Recognition Technology on Prison Visitors ... is the U.S. Next?, by Chad Marks
- Arizona Federal Court Levies Sanctions Against Corizon Health, by Edward Lyon
- Steep Cost for Sending Hawaii Prisoners to Mainland Facilities
- Preliminary Settlement in Lawsuit Against JPay Over Prison Video Calls Ending Early, by Scott Grammer
- Connecticut DOC Settles Calendar Lawsuit for $1,500, Policy Changes
- Former Florida Senator Now Employed by Private Prison Company He Helped While in the State Senate, by Kevin W. Bliss
- Build it and They will Come: Officials Claim Spokane, Washington Needs Bigger Jail, by Dale Chappell
- California Jailer Accused of Raping Detainees to Stand Trial, by Edward Lyon
- Cops, Guards Beat Mentally Ill Arrestee to Death as Jail Nurse Watches; $5 Million Settlement, by Edward Lyon
- $100,000 Settlement for Suicide of Mentally Ill Prisoner Repeatedly Raped, by Douglas Ankney
- $1.1 Million Settlement for Michigan Parole Officer in Sexual Harassment Suit, by David M. Reutter
- Seventh Circuit Reverses District Court’s Denial of Blind Prisoner’s Request for Counsel, by Douglas Ankney
- Commander of Guantanamo Bay Military Prison Fired, by Douglas Ankney
- Tennessee Jail Sexual Assault Lawsuit can Proceed, Federal Court Rules, by David M. Reutter
- Lawsuit Claims Denial of Medical Care Nearly Killed Prisoner at Colorado Jail, by Matthew Clarke
- Missouri DOC Costs State Another $600,000 in Sexual Harassment Settlement, by Douglas Ankney
- New York Appellate Court Holds Names of Prison Guards are Public Records, by Edward Lyon
- New York: $655,000 Award after State Found 100% Responsible for Prisoner Assault, by Douglas Ankney
- $30,000 Settlement for Pennsylvania Pretrial Detainee Subjected to Excessive Force, by David M. Reutter
- Pennsylvania County Pays $1.1 Million to Former Prisoner Beaten by Guards, by Chad Marks
- Mexican Mafia Crime Ring Busted in Los Angeles, San Bernardino County Jails, by Scott Grammer
- After Needless Prisoner Deaths, Connecticut DOC Takes Over Prison Healthcare, by Matthew Clarke
- Washington: Prisoners’ Complaints Lead to Changes in DOC’s Drug Testing Policy, by Chad Marks
- Mumia Abu-Jamal to Receive New Appellate Hearing, by David M. Reutter
- $60,000 Settlement for Female Pennsylvania Prisoner in Sexual Assault Suit, by David M. Reutter
- $118,000 Attorney Fee Award in Pennsylvania DOC Public Records Case, by David M. Reutter
- Correlation Between Dyslexia and Criminal Behavior; First Step Act to Require Screening, Treatment, by Douglas Ankney
- New Jersey Jail to Pay $1.2 Million for Strip Searching Detainees, by Kevin W. Bliss
- Final Settlement Entered in 1976 Class-Action Suit Against Florida Jail, by Scott Grammer
- Iowa Prisoners Say Law Banning Publications Containing Nudity Too Broad, by Kevin W. Bliss
- Should Private Companies Exploit Prisoners Through Exclusive Government Contracts?, by Dale Chappell
- Arizona DOC Bans Book Critical of Justice System, Reverses Decision Following Criticism, by Anthony W. Accurso
- Lawsuit Proceeds Over Death of Prisoner at Privately-Run Jail, by Scott Grammer
- Habeas Petition Granted Over Failing Roof, Unsanitary Conditions at California Prison, by Matthew Clarke
- New York County Pays $35,000 to Settle Retaliation Claim Against Sheriff, by Dale Chappell
- New California Law Bans Male Prison Guards from Pat-Searching Female Prisoners, by Scott Grammer
- Report Shows How Private Equity Firms Profit from Mass Incarceration, by Dale Chappell
- $2 Million Awarded to New Mexico Prisoner Left in Hot Transport Van, by Edward Lyon
- Missouri County Agrees to $60,000 Settlement in Wrongful Death Case, by Kevin Bliss
- Problems with Ion Scanners Used to Detect Drugs on Prison Visitors, by Edward Lyon
- Illinois Prison Phone Rates are Lowest Following Grassroots Activism, by Brian Dolinar
- Kentucky Corrections, Parole Officials Fired, by Edward Lyon
- CoreCivic Prisons in Tennessee Have Twice as Many Murders, Four Times the Homicide Rate as State-Run Facilities
- $30,000 Settlement in Pennsylvania Jail Excessive Strip Search Suit, by David M. Reutter
- Cook County Sheriff’s Office Pays $110,000 to Settle PLN Censorship Suit
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Force-Feeding is Cruel, Painful and Degrading – and American Prisons Won’t Stop, by Aviva Stahl
More from Scott Grammer:
- Coalition Fights to Ensure Jailed Voters in Arizona Can Vote, May 1, 2020
- Public Relations Firm Terminates Contract With GEO Group, March 4, 2020
- Sacramento County Jail Settles Solitary Confinement Class Action Suit, March 4, 2020
- Senator Warren Has Plan To Ban Private Prison Contracts, March 4, 2020
- Seventh Circuit Upholds Prison Guard’s Rape Convictions, But County Not Liable, March 4, 2020
- Report Published on Louisiana’s Extensive Use Of Solitary Confinement, March 4, 2020
- Ministry Worker Banned from Mississippi Prisons After Asking About Plumbing Problems, Feb. 4, 2020
- Ohio Prisoner Killed by Cellmate Who Mistakenly Thought He Was a Child Molester, Feb. 4, 2020
- Corizon Settles EEOC Disability Discrimination Lawsuit for $950,000, Feb. 4, 2020
- Genesco CEO Denied Term on CoreCivic’s Board of Directors, but Board Refuses His Resignation, Jan. 8, 2020
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