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Lawsuit Proceeds Over Conditions at Orange County, California Jail
by Ed Lyon
A federal civil rights lawsuit filed in April 2019 against Orange County, California Sheriff Don Barnes was granted class-action status in September 2019 to include all detainees at the Orange County Jail (OCJ) whose telephone conversations with their attorneys were illegally recorded by GTL, the jail’s phone ...
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- News in Brief
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- Criminal Justice Leaders Reject Attorney General’s “Tough on Crime” Attitude, by David M. Reutter
- Man Held in Jail Almost Three Months for Possession of ... Honey, by Dale Chappell
- Ninth Circuit Reverses Seizure of Funds from Federal Prisoner for Restitution, by Edward Lyon
- Medical, Mental Health Care Lacking at Florida Jail Despite 43 Years of Court Oversight, by David M. Reutter
- Los Angeles County to Pay $53 Million for Strip Searches of Female Prisoners, by Chad Marks
- Texas Jail Administrator Fired for Tampering with Government Documents, by Matthew Clarke
- Kansas Federal Court Holds U.S. Attorney’s Office in Contempt, by Matthew Clarke
- Summary Judgment Affirmed Against Publication in Civil Commitment Facility, by David M. Reutter
- Food Survey Reveals Washington State Prisoners’ Concerns and Complaints, by Matthew Clarke
- Solitary Confinement for Former Death Row Prisoner Held Unconstitutional, by David M. Reutter
- New York Stops Testing Probationers for Marijuana Use, by Dale Chappell
- Pennsylvania Prisoner Acquitted of Murder After 13-Year Battle – by Defending Himself in Retrial, by Kevin Bliss
- Ohio Mother Loses Children and Job Due to False Arrest, by Edward Lyon
- Project Hope Fights to End the Death Penalty ... from Death Row, by Bill Barton
- Colorado Prisoner Dies as Nurse Watches Videotape; $2.45 Million Settlement, by Edward Lyon
- Georgia Prison System Ordered to Amend Policy to Allow Three-Inch Beards, by David M. Reutter
- FAMM, Washington Lawyers’ Committee, NACDL Launch Compassionate Release Clearinghouse
- BJS Report Finds Sex Offenders Among Former Prisoners Least Likely to Re-Offend, by Scott Grammer
- Judicial Abuse and Law Enforcement Corruption on Trial in Meek Mill Case, by Kevin Bliss
- Illinois Prisoner Wins Partial Victory on Appeal in Hernia Treatment Suit, by Edward Lyon
- Many “Violent Offenders” Actually Committed Non-Violent Crimes, by Bill Barton
- Eighth Circuit Reverses District Court’s Order Requiring Halal Meals, by Chad Marks
- Over Three Decades Later, Turner v. Safley Still Controls Many Prisoner Lawsuits, by Matthew Clarke
- Life Sentence for Joyriding Overturned in California, by Scott Grammer
- Florida Prisoner Left a Quadriplegic After Brutal Beating by Guards, by David M. Reutter
- Overzealous Prosecutors Seek to Lock Up Prisoners Released Under First Step Act, by Chad Marks
- PLRA Does Not Prevent In Forma Pauperis Appeal of Case that Resulted in Third Strike, by Matthew Clarke
- Fourth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Virginia Prisoner’s Hep C Lawsuit, by David M. Reutter
- Ninth Circuit: Prisoner’s Withdrawal of Consent for Magistrate Judge Improperly Denied, by Kevin Bliss
- Hickman’s Egg Farm Puts Prisoners to Work at High Cost to the Community, Residents Say, by Chad Marks
- Texas Counties Waste Millions by Jailing Defendants Charged with Citation-Eligible Misdemeanors, by Matthew Clarke
- Companies Compete to Build New Alabama Prisons, by David M. Reutter
- Family Sues New Jersey Jail Over Prisoner Suicide, by Edward Lyon
- Prisoners at Indiana Jail Certified as a Class in Conditions of Confinement Suit, by Kevin Bliss
- Fourth Circuit Agrees Virginia’s Death Row Conditions Violated Eighth Amendment, by Scott Grammer
- Colorado Prisoner Receives $200,000 Settlement in Excessive Force Case, by Scott Grammer
- New York State Prisoners Sue to Get Their Pain Medications Back, by Kevin Bliss
- Pennsylvania and Utah Expunge Criminal Cases to Help People Get Jobs, Find Housing, by Dale Chappell
- $2 Million Settlement After Woman Dies While Jailed for Unpaid Traffic Tickets, by Anthony Accurso
- Four Ohio Prisoners Shackled to Table Stabbed by Fellow Prisoner, by Scott Grammer
- Eighth Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Prisoner’s Suit Over Inadequate Shoes, by Chad Marks
- Qualified Immunity Denied when Pretrial Detainees Deprived of Water at Illinois Jail, by David M. Reutter
- The Cost of Wrongful Convictions
- New York City’s Rikers Island Jail Expected to Close by 2026, by Chad Marks
- Seventh Circuit Reverses Two PLRA Dismissals for Failure to Comply with Court Forms, by Edward Lyon
- California Appellate Court Discusses Appointment of Counsel for Incarcerated Litigants, by David M. Reutter
- Florida Victims’ Rights Law Creates Confusion, Limits Time for Appeals, by David M. Reutter
- Lawsuit Proceeds Over Conditions at Orange County, California Jail, by Edward Lyon
- Local Taxpayers Face Higher Taxes, Crime Rates Due to Death Penalty Trials, by Dale Chappell
- HRDC Files Suit Against Michigan DOC Over Systemic, Statewide Censorship
- Class Action Certified in Pennsylvania Jail Gender Discrimination Suit, by Matthew Clarke, David M. Reutter
- From the Editor, by Paul Wright
- Wasted Minds: Prisoners Languish in Florida Prisons with Little Access to Education, by Josh Salman, Ryan McKinnon
More from Edward Lyon:
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- U.S. Prisoner Numbers Slowly Declining, June 15, 2023
- California Easing Housing Hurdles for Released Prisoners, June 1, 2023
- Warden Ousted from Troubled Alabama Prison After DUI Arrest, May 1, 2023
- $20,000 Settlement for Ohio Prisoner’s Slip-and-Fall Injury, May 1, 2023
- $32,500 Medical Malpractice Award to Ohio Prisoner for Ripped-Out Catheter, May 1, 2023
- New York State’s Veterans Treatment Courts, April 15, 2023
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- The Catalog of Carceral Surveillance: Tablet Advertising That Can Also Issue Discipline, Oct. 31, 2022. Telephone Access, Telephone Monitoring, Securus.
- The Catalog of Carceral Surveillance: Monitoring Online Purchases of Inmates’ Family and Friends, July 15, 2022. Telephone Monitoring, Securus.
- From the Editor, July 13, 2022. Telephones, Telephone Access, Censorship.